Chap #5 The Prince & Friendship

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The air in the palace was thick with the sense of formality as Prince Lucien Alexander Maverick arrived at the royal grounds of Valorian. He was greeted with fanfare, as expected of a prince from a neighboring kingdom, and Elara stood beside her parents, the weight of her duty pressing down on her. She could feel her father's gaze, silently reminding her of what was expected: a union that would strengthen alliances and bring stability to both their realms.

But for Elara, this arrangement wasn't just about politics or duty. It was about her life, her future, and the complicated feelings she harbored for another man—Caden. Still, Lucien was not to be blamed for that. He was, after all, as much a pawn in this game as she was.

That afternoon, as the formalities were behind them, Elara found herself walking the palace gardens with Lucien. It was the perfect opportunity to get to know him better, and though her heart wasn't in it romantically, she was determined to at least forge a friendship. It was the least she could do, for both their sakes.

The sun filtered through the leaves, casting soft light over the flowers in full bloom as Lucien strolled beside her, his hands clasped behind his back, a casual elegance to his step.

"You have a beautiful kingdom, Princess Elara," Lucien said, his voice warm and sincere. "I've heard many stories about Valorian, but none of them do it justice."

Elara smiled politely, though her mind was elsewhere. "Thank you, Prince Lucien. I hope your stay here will be pleasant."

Lucien chuckled softly, glancing over at her. "Lucien, please. No need for formalities when it's just the two of us."

She hesitated for a moment, surprised by his relaxed demeanor. "Very well, Lucien."

They continued to walk in comfortable silence for a few minutes, the tension from earlier easing with every step. Elara realized that Lucien wasn't the stiff, overly formal prince she had expected. He was kind, attentive, and—dare she say it—genuinely charming.

"So, tell me," Lucien said after a while, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "What is it that you enjoy doing when you're not busy with royal duties? Do you have time for any hobbies, or are you always occupied with courtly matters?"

Elara paused, taken aback by the question. She hadn't expected him to ask about her personally, and it was refreshing to speak about something other than politics or alliances.

"I do enjoy some activities," she admitted with a small smile. "I like spending time in the gardens, and I enjoy reading—especially old texts about Valorian's history. It's fascinating to learn about the past."

Lucien nodded thoughtfully. "I can see that. You seem like someone who values tradition but also questions it."

Elara raised an eyebrow, impressed by his observation. "What makes you say that?"

"There's a spark in your eyes," Lucien said, his tone light but perceptive. "You carry yourself with grace and duty, but there's a part of you that longs for something more. Am I wrong?"

Elara felt a slight blush rise to her cheeks. How could he see that so clearly? She had spent years hiding her true desires behind the facade of a dutiful princess. And yet here was Lucien, someone she had only just begun to know, recognizing the inner conflict she grappled with daily.

"You're not wrong," she admitted softly, turning to face him. "But it's not so simple. I have responsibilities. My life is not entirely my own."

Lucien smiled gently. "I understand. I've felt that way too, more times than I can count. But maybe that's why we should try to find joy where we can. Even if it's just in the little things—like a quiet moment in the garden."

His words were sincere, and Elara found herself appreciating his company more than she had anticipated. Perhaps she had been too quick to judge him. Maybe, just maybe, Lucien could be a friend, someone who understood the burden of royal duty without the need for romantic attachment.

"I suppose you're right," Elara said, allowing herself to relax a little more. "We must find joy where we can, even if it's fleeting."

Lucien smiled, clearly pleased that he had reached her. "Exactly. Besides, if we're going to spend time together as allies—and possibly more—we might as well be friends, don't you think?"

Elara met his gaze, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. Lucien wasn't pressuring her, wasn't demanding anything more than she could give. Friendship—she could do that.

"I'd like that," she said sincerely. "Friends."

Lucien extended his hand to her, his smile easy and unpretentious. "Friends."

They shook hands, and for the first time since Lucien had arrived, Elara felt a sense of peace about their relationship. It didn't have to be about romance or alliances. They could be friends, and that was enough.

As they continued their walk through the gardens, they spoke about lighter topics—his travels, her favorite parts of the palace, and the customs of their respective kingdoms. Lucien's charm made the conversation flow easily, and Elara found herself laughing at his stories of mishaps during diplomatic missions.

By the time they returned to the palace, the sun was beginning to set, casting a golden hue across the horizon. Elara felt lighter, as if the day had lifted some of the weight off her shoulders. She wasn't sure what the future held, but at least with Lucien, there was no need for pretense.

As they parted ways at the entrance to the great hall, Lucien turned to her with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow, Elara. Maybe we can continue our conversation."

Elara nodded, feeling a genuine warmth toward him. "I'd like that, Lucien. Until tomorrow."

As he walked away, Elara stood for a moment, reflecting on the day. She had gotten to know Lucien as more than just a potential suitor. He was kind, understanding, and now, a friend. But as much as she valued that new connection, her thoughts inevitably drifted back to Caden. The love she held for him was still there, burning quietly beneath the surface.

Her heart was divided, but for now, at least, she had found a new ally in Lucien—and perhaps that would make the difficult days ahead a little easier to bear.

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