Chapter 10

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"Oh, that sort of reminder." Paul grinned, breathless.

"You know what? I hate you sometimes Cattermole!" Hannah growled, eyes narrowing.

"No you don't. You wouldn't be here if you did." Paul smugly replied, rolling onto his back. Hannah chuckled and shuffled closer.

"Care for another reminder of last night?" She asked, a smirk appearing on her face. Paul just raised an eyebrow as Hannah pulled herself half on top of him, her hands either side of his face.

Taking Paul's silence as an affirmative, she brought her lips down to meet his, pressing them gently together. The harsh ringing of Paul's phone cut through the quiet and Paul reluctantly pulled away.

"Can't you leave it?" Hannah pouted, holding onto Paul's arm as he reached across to pick up his mobile. Rather than respond, Paul looked at the caller ID before answering.

"Hi Mum." Paul greeted, sitting up. Realising she'd lost, Hannah let go of Paul's arm, falling back onto her side of the bed.

She sighed in frustration as Paul got up and left the room. She lay there, listening to the faint murmur of Paul talking, until she heard the kettle boiling. Realising he wouldn't be coming back to bed anytime soon, Hannah decided to cut her losses and got up.

Hannah headed into the kitchen, finding Paul struggling to make tea as he held the phone to his ear with his shoulder.

"Yes Mum, I know... No, it's fine." Paul sighed, looking over as Hannah took the kettle out of his hands to fill the mugs. "Yeah, okay, I'll see you in a bit... Bye."

"Everything alright?" Hannah asked as Paul put his phone down on the counter.

"I have to go to my Mum's. My Auntie's down and I haven't seen her for over a year." Paul sighed, heading to the fridge to pull out what little milk he had left. "Tea, shower and then I have to run."

"Oh, I was kinda hoping we could have done something today." Hannah admitted, disappointed. She accepted her cup of tea and followed Paul back to the bedroom.

"I know. I'm sorry Han." Paul said quietly.

"Yeah, yeah." Hannah mumbled. They stood there in an awkward silence until Paul approached her hesitantly, pulling her into his arms and pressing a kiss to her head.

"Right! Shower!" Paul announced, letting go of her abruptly. Hannah was left standing in the middle of the room, wondering what exactly had just happened and pondering upon what might have been before the phone call interrupted them. She sighed heavily and headed for the living room, switching on the tv as she dropped herself onto the sofa.

Ten minutes later, she heard the shower turn off and, after another five, Paul appeared. She smiled at the sight of him; collar on his polo shirt half up, half down and his towel dried, still damp, hair standing up in all directions.

"Shower's free if you want it." He said matter-of-factly. "The towels in the bathroom cupboard are clean. You can let yourself out, right? Just pull the door behind you."

"Thanks!" Hannah replied, unable to prevent the sarcasm in her voice. Paul sighed and reluctantly went to sit beside her.

"Han? Look at me." He urged her, watching and waiting until she reluctantly made eye contact. Blue meeting brown. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. You know I'd stay if I could. I can't not go."

"I know. It's not your fault. I'm just... disappointed. I'll live." Hannah replied, mustering a smile. "You free tonight?"

"Uh, no. I promised the boys I'd meet them down the pub." Paul replied, looking down guiltily.

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