I slammed into the door behind me, making the guy sit up slightly. I panicked again, not knowing his intentions at all. My heart raced again as I was shaky.

The guy in the bed looked rather skinny but strong. He was blonde and had dark brown eyes with a light smile on his face. He looked kind.

"Hey, it's alright." He said and started to stand up, not very well though. He had to grab the bedpost to help stand.

I moved quickly, trying to open the door again but somehow the guy got to me first and held his hand on the door so I couldn't open it. Looking around, I made a dash for the bed in the room. I dove under it, hiding my body under it to protect myself.

"Darling, there's nothing to be scared about." He called out as he tried to get me out. I didn't listen, instead I tried to look for another way out. But the guy was blocking all exits as he wobbled in the middle of the room.

"Here, I know it's dark." He said and opened the window, letting light shine through.

"Ok, look, I know you're scared. I was scared on my first day too..." He started. My breathing slowed as I stopped feaking out and listened.

"We all went through what you're going through right now. I'm Newt." He told me and looked under the bed with an upside-down smile. My tear-stained face looked at his gentle one, grinning a tiny bit.

"There ya go. Now come on, you should see you're new home." He said and stood up, holding out his hand for mine to come out. I got nervous again though, and he seemed to know that.

"Hey, look green bean, I'll help you, alright? I promise no one is going to hurt you. Swear it." Newt told me.

I crawled out of the bed and stood up with Newt's help. "There ya go." He said again while beaming, and we walked hand in hand as we made our way out of the building. On our way out though, Newt picked up a walking stick to help him.

"Ok, let's go see Alby." He told me and we walked towards the center of the Glade. I saw him not too far away from us as he turned and looked at us.

"Newt." He called out and marched over, looking mad.

"Hey, man," Newt replied as they did a side hug, Alby eyeing me in slight irritation.

"Green bean you gave all of us a scare." He told me with a disapproving look. I looked away, not wanting to feel guilty.

"Alby, relax, she's scared and confused, alright? I'll give her the tour if ya don't mind." Newt asked him softly, with a pleading look. Which, Alby let him with a nod.

"Fine, keep an eye on her." And with that, he was gone. Newt looked down at me with a kind smile, reassuring me.

"Alright love, I'll give ya the tour and then we'll get your hammock all set up." I nodded and we walked around the Glade, holding hands still.

Other guys looked at me with bewilderment and at Newt with enjoyment. I was puzzled nonetheless but held his hand tighter.

We walked to a kitchen area, and Newt handed me an apple. I looked up, basically drooling in hunger. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I saw food.

"Eat slowly, you'll get a bellyache." He told me and gave me the apple. I cheerfully eat the apple, not caring for Newt's warnings as I quickly finish.

Eventually, we rounded back to the middle of the Glade as he answered questions he thought I might have. I hadn't said anything this whole time, so he assumed I couldn't speak.

"So uh, we don't know who put us here. We kinda just started taking control of ourselves, there was a lot of bad stuff we used to do. Aren't any girls here, sorry. And we have three rules here. One is to do your part, no slackers. Two is to never hurt another Glader to keep the peace. And three, which is the most important rule, don't go near those doors." He told me sternly. I gave him a look as if I was asking why, and he sighed.

"Because it's dangerous, especially for a little kid like you." He said and started to walk towards the 'homestead' is what they call it, and expected me to follow him.

But I didn't.

I turned and walked towards the doors, doing exactly what I was not supposed to do. I was about ten feet from the entrance or exit when I looked down the long corridor. The vines and leaves stringing along the walls were eerie.

I turned back towards the Glade to make sure no one saw me, which lucky, no one did.

"But what about Newt's warnings?" I asked myself as I stood there in my thoughts.

I didn't have to think long as I was harshly picked up and pulled away. I freaked out, rightfully so, and started to scratch at the attacker.

"Hello, green bean." They greeted us as we walked back towards the Glade. Looking at him and noticed his shady hair, tan skin, and dark, intimidating brown eyes. He smirked at me as we strode to the glade.

"When'd they send us a little girl?" He murmured, I'm guessing to his friend as a blonde boy walked up next to us.

"Guess she's lucky enough to live with us." He joked as we roamed over. Sooner or later Newt would be here and he would be mad.

And look at that, a very infuriated Newt with his hands on his hips. I looked over sheepishly at the boy holding me and he set me down gently. 

"Where were you?!" He exclaimed. I examined my feet as I stayed silent. But the boy answered for me.

"She was by the doors." He told him. I perked up to meet Newt's furious eyes, glaring down at me.

"Thanks, Minho, for getting her before she could go in." He said grumpily and grabbed my arm harshly, limping us over towards the homestead.

"Alright, missy. Sit." Newt ordered as he pulled up a chair right by the bottom. I sat down and looked up at Newt, confused.

"Now you're gonna sit here and wait, I'm gonna go get Alby." He told me and walked off with steam coming out of his ears.

But before he could leave my sight he shouted, "And if you leave that spot, I'll throw you in the slammer."

He hadn't told me about the slammer. Sounded not so fun though. After about five minutes, Alby came back very frustrated along with Newt.

"Greenie you better stop runnin' away and not listen to us when we tell you! Alright? I don't want to punish you the first day!" He yelled. I flinched back as I realized some of the 'Gladers' were staring.

I nodded in understanding as he left, not caring if I responded. Newt had his arms crossed and a frown on his face.

"Right then, well ya hammocks this way." He said and started to walk towards the sleeping area. I got up and followed, not wanting to be yelled at again.

My bed was right in a corner, and the view of this place was wherever I looked. Newt was still standing there with his hands on his hips, keeping an eye on me.

"So, that'll be where you sleep. Good that?" He asked. I looked up perplexed but nodded.

"Come on, suns gettin' low and the bonfire will start soon." He told me and held out his hand, waiting for me. I grabbed it and we started strolling towards a big pile of sticks and logs, every other Glader was there as well.

"This'll be fun," I thought as we joined the circle around the pile.

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