Y/n's pov:

All I saw was darkness

When I opened my eyes, I was terrified. I threw up water or something as I woke up and I looked around.

I was cold and a little wet. I tried to think of something, but nothing came to mind. Not a single thing. My eyes started to tear up as I tried to stand, but I ended up crawling towards the corner.

I cried softly in the corner, sorta hiding behind barrels and boxes as I waited. It felt like I waited for so long until the cage I was in came to a fast stop, making me jump.

A bright light was shown through the roof of this cage as I covered my eyes, hiding as much as possible. I was petrified and cried a little harder.

"I don't see the shank." A deep voice called, it was above me.

A loud thud was heard as the voice came closer to me. I started to shake uncontrollably as some boxes moved around me. Once the box in front of me was moved, I saw the person's face.

He was much bigger than me. He had funky eyebrows and a frown on his face, his complexion on his cheeks was old sunburn tans. I tried to back up a little more but I was already against the holed wall.

The guy jumped back a little in surprise and stood up to his full height, which was a giant compared to me. I started to hyperventilate and cry more, trying to get away.

"Shuck..." The guy said under his breath. I heard many more voices around and above me, causing me to cry more.

"What, greenie got you scared?"

"Get him already!"

"The shanks cryin'?"

All the voices made me petrified all over again. The guy in the box-like area with me shook his head in shock.

"It's a kid." He said and looked up. The box shook again to indicate someone else was in there.

"Oh man..." The other guy said. He was smaller than the original guy with eyebrows, his black skin was sweaty, and he looked equally as shocked.

"Well, he can't be younger than Teddy. He's gotta be like, 14." Someone said out of the box. The smaller guy shook his head.

"It's a girl kid." He told them. And all the voices were louder than before.


"A she-bean..?"

"How old?"

I covered my ears and closed my eyes, trying to figure out what was happening. The voices finally stopped after the smaller guy shouted,

"Alright, you shanks, quiet!"

I opened my eyes to see the guy crouching, eye level with me. He smiled and shuffled a little closer, making me panic.

"Hey, it's ok. You're alright." He told me softly. My crying continued but it was quieter, making the guy relax a bit.

"Wanna come out and we can give you a tour?" He asked in an even softer voice, trying to give me some comfort. I shook my head no very quickly as I grabbed my knees, hugging them tightly.

"Alright, we can give you time to cool off." He said gruffly and stood up, starting to unload the box.

"We're gonna leave her alone for now, can you watch and make sure she doesn't go anywhere?" The guy asked Mr eyebrows. Mr eyebrows nodded and got more stuff out of the box.

Eventually, everything was gone and I was the only thing left in the box. My thoughts were racing. Well, the little thoughts of panic. I had no memory...

The eyebrows guy didn't say a word as he just stared and finished lifting boxes out of the cage.

He was also waiting for me to come out on my own, listening to his commands. Once I was ready, I shakingly stood up. Being short, I couldn't get out on my own. So when I walked out to the middle of the cage, I was noticed by the eyebrows guy.

"You ready to come out now?" He asked sharply, which made me jump from his voice scaring me. He stood up from his seat and jumped down in the box.

I stood there, not knowing what to say. Or how to say it. Realized my speech was wrong, and I couldn't talk. It freaked me out more. Eventually, I nodded, getting lifted by the guy and placed down on the grass.

Glancing around, there were four big gray walls longed with vines and ivy on them. I looked around to see one exit open. The guy that helped me out was getting himself up easily which gave me a second to run.

Which I took that opportunity.

But not long after that, someone caught me.

I squirmed and wiggled around, making little sounds as I tried to get out of the person's grip. I was horrified by what could happen to me.

"Stop! Stop it!" He yelled. It was the same one that helped me out of the cage. My panic started to rise again as I struggled. Tears pricked my eyes as I tried and tried again, failing.

Eventually, I gave up. Slumping a little as his grip loosened.

"Are we cool?" He asked. I sighed and nodded, choosing to escape later.

"Alright. I'll bring you to Alby and he'll give you the tour." He told me and put me down, choosing to let me follow him rather than carry me.

He started to walk and I followed, looking around and noticing all the guys. No girls. As we walked, they stared, watching closely as I stayed near the eyebrows guy. So far he's helped me and I have no reason to not trust him.

We entered a meeting area where it was made out of sticks and mud, looking quite old. The guy that was there looked up and saw us. He smiled as we entered.

"Hello green bean, welcome to the Glade." He told me. I wasn't paying attention, I was trying to find a way out of there, but the big guy was blocking the door.

"So, I'm Alby, I'll be telling you everything there is to know about this place. And over there is Gally." Alby told me. I looked up and over at Gally and smiled a little. He did a tight lip smile as Alby walked over to me.

"Ok, so first, I'm gonna give you the tour so come on." He said and walked past me, opening the door and waiting for me. I obliged and walked over, following the guy.

Gally left after that as we walked, around me were lots of trees and fields, a farmhouse, and structures that looked like they were gonna collapse. This place made me nervous, and all the guys here did too. I started to shake as I walked.

"We make our food and build our buildings, so if you treat this place with respect then it'll respect you." Alby started, but I was looking at an abandoned building. No one looked like they were in it so I booked it, running and not looking back.

Luckily, no one noticed me.

I ran inside, ducking under a bed-like frame and hiding. I let out a long breath. Then I heard shouting and yelling outside.

"They just realized I was gone," I thought to myself. Looking around the little building, I realized this place was probably used a lot because it looked like a medical center.

Wait, how did I know that but I can't remember things about myself? Weird.

There were a couple of benches and beds around the place. A cabinet with a medical symbol on it and some rooms. The door to the place opened and I sucked in a breath, moving to hide under the bed more.

The guy in the building was only looking for supplies as he ran right out of the building. I quickly moved to run into another room, shutting the door.

"Hello." A person said in a thick British accent which made me jump.

An: sorry I don't know how to write a three-year-old POV so pertinent you're an Advanced three year old

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