Tragedy Strikes Twice

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It had been a year since Savannah had lost everything to that EF5 tornado. She'd dropped out of college and moved back in with her parents. Her twin brother Sebastian had switched to online college courses to be home for her.

Savannah was sitting on her bed, trying to not think about the incident. Her twin brother Sebastian appeared in her doorway, lightly knocking on the wall. "Sav, I think it would be really healthy for you to go on a chase with me."

Savannah curled in on herself, the very idea making her blood run cold. "Sebastian..." she frowned. "I don't chase anymore. You know why."

"Savannah, it's literally our parents' legacy. It's been a year, if you don't face this, it will control you for the rest of your life. Come on. One chase, just us, like old times."

They'd been consistent chasers when they were seniors in high school, going out every Friday and every weekend to chase storms instead of partying.

"No," Sav said with finality. "Sav." Sebastian invited himself into her room, throwing himself next to her on her bed. He sprawled out like it was his own. "We always talked about following in Mom and Dad's footsteps. I know you lost everything and I can't pretend to know how that feels or understand what you went through. I didn't bother you for a year but I think it's time you face this."

Savannah shook her head. "I don't chase and I don't want to chase anymore, Seb." She laid down next to him. He slung an arm over her waist.

"But what about our dream?"

Despite all her reservations and refusal, Sebastian managed to talk her into getting in the car. They drove out into the fields of Oklahoma, Seb tracking a cell that was sure to give them something.

"Look at that!" He gasped in awe as they watched the storm cell. "This is going to be a good one. I'm going in closer."

Sebastian hadn't experienced what his twin had; he still had his passion and love for the natural disaster.

Savannah sat rigid in her seat as they watched a funnel form.

"There it is!" Sebastian cried gleefully. Savannah could feel her hands beginning to shake. Sebastian drove closer, and Savannah watched in horror as the tornado was quickly growing in size. Rain pelted the windshield, the wipers working overtime.

"Sebastian, turn around, we have to get out of here," Savannah panicked. The tornado was becoming rain-wrapped.

"Sav, it's just your PTSD," Sebastian tried to soothe his twin. "No, Seb, it's a big one, please, turn around."

Savannah had always had an eye for tornados, much like Kate, it was what had bonded them in the beginning. She knew this wasn't just her PTSD, this tornado wasn't going to be a measly EF1.

As they argued, they lost eyes on the tornado. Things were beginning to be blown around, bales of hay, wagons, whatever was near the monster hidden in the rain. Which happened to include them. Their arguing was abruptly cut short by a bale of hay slamming into the windshield, sending the car spinning. They crashed through a fence and Sebastian did his best to try and drive away but the car was stuck.

Savannah was full-blown panicking now. The car creaked and she was thrown back to a year prior. This couldn't be happening again. It couldn't, she couldn't do it again. "Come on!" Seb yelled, throwing open his door. "We can't stay here!"

Sav threw open her door and ran after her brother, who grabbed her hand and dragged her along as they sprinted for their lives. "There!" Seb shouted, pointing to a shack. "Like Mom and Dad did! The pipes! Come on!"

The wind roared around them as they sprinted for the shack. They struggled to open the door against the wind, but Sebastian managed it and pushed Sav inside. Once he'd shut and locked the door, he made quick work of undoing his belt and fastening it around the pipes within.

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