Chapter 1

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•Atsumu's POV•

It was the first day of fall and I had been waiting for Oikawa to get out of his house so we could walk to school since Osamu and Suna started dating they've been closer and I mean really closer.

I then see Iwazumi leave Oikawa's house with him holding Oikawa's hand and calling him Shittykawa. They then start walking over to me and Oikawa was giggling and Iwazumi had a slight smirk on my face.
My guess is that they had a fRiEnDlY sleepover. I really wish Omi Omi was here.

•Sakusa's POV•

I had been waiting for Atsumu at the front gate of the school. As soon as he saw me he walked over and said "Hi Omi Omi" and started talking my ear off about how lovey dovey Osamu and Suna have been and now Oikawa and Iwazumi.

After a while of talking to Atsumu I then look past him and see Daichi and Sugawara making out in the corner of my eyes and Atsumu turns around and turns back around but this time with a bit of a disgusted look and you can't tell since I have a mask on but  I have a disgusted look on my face. I then hear the bell ring and Atsumu and I both go our separate ways to our classes.                 
• A few hours later •

I'm now heading to lunch to meet up with everyone.

•Atsumu's POV•

I'm sitting at the lunchroom table with Suna, Osamu, Kita, Iwazumi, Oikawa, Aran, Bokuto, Akaashi, Daichi, And Sugawara. Everyone is talking and I'm still waiting for Sakusa to get here.

I finally see Omi Omi enter the lunchroom and I make a hand signaling sign for him to come over here. He then starts to walk over here and takes a seat next to me once he gets over here. We start talking and I ask how Komori is doing and I start telling him all the drama Ive heard from Oikawa.

•Oikawa's POV• ~finally~

I turn around a bit to see that Sakusa and Atsu are talking and u can some what see a smile on Sakusa's face and a tint of blush while Atsu is smiling and giggling and telling him all the tea I've told him today. God Atsumu reminds me of a news reporter by keeping up his Omi Omi with all the tea. I then whisper to Atsu " OoOoOoh look who's smiling" and because of that Atsu yells at me a bit and pushes me a way a little bit and Iwa~Chan says "Stop pestering people Shittykawa" and bonks me on the back of my head lightly but still hurt and I some what yell "ow Iwa~Chan that hurt!"

•Atsumu's POV•

I'm still talking to Omi Omi but then we all hear the bell and start to clean up our spots and leave the lunchroom. I'm walking to my next class with Oikawa and he starts to tease me about when I was talking to Omi Omi.

•Oikawa's POV•

"Soooo you and Sakusa seem close" I say with a smirk on my face. Atsu then starts to turn beet red and speeds up when walking to class leaving me behind but I speed up too so I can ask him more questions. We then make it to class and sit in our seats and I'm starring at Atsu and trying to get his attention so I can talk to him later about him Sakusa.

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