♢ | Thoughts.

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"A gun to the back of the head. You remember that, right?"

"Revolution! revolution!" Soviet and Colonies cheered. France and 13 stood off to the side, France wanted to overthrow K.O.F, but didn't even know if she could do it, while 13 wasn't pleased with the idea at all.

"I know exactly what I'd do!" Soviet chimed. "I'll shoot him in the back of his head!"

"When will you do that?" Colonies excitedly asked.

"Once he's super weak, so I can just shoot him and he'll be dead!" Soviet answered.

"woah, that's gonna take a while! For me I was just thinking to do something to just piss him off. I know he's way too powerful to kill so I think I'd do something to rub him the wrong way, we do a little fighting, we win, and then we're free!" Colonies said.

13, who hadn't been paying attention to the whole thing, suddenly reviewed the conversation in her head.

"Wait, you're gonna kill R.E, Soviet?! No, please don't! Russia is super nice and cool, please don't!" 13 begged.

"uh.. chill? I don't even know if I'll actually do it or not, and even if I do, it's not gonna be for years, you'll probably stop caring about him by then."

"but.. what if I do still care about him? Would you still kill him..?" 13 asked, guilt tripping Soviet.

"..I don't know." Soviet replied.

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Colonies was waiting awake all night for the perfect time. Once he knew the coast was clear, he snuck off to B.E's castle where he got a ladder and climbed up to 13's window. He tapped on it a couple times.

13 startled awake and looked outside the window. Seeing Colonies, she opened the window for him so she could hear him talk.

"Colonies, what are you doing here??" 13 whispered loudly at him.

"I was wondering if you'd wanna sneak out with me?" Colonies replied, looking at her expectantly.

"Psh, I'm good. I'm pretty tired and I don't wanna make B.E mad." 13 replied sternly.

"Hm, suit yourself!" Colonies said, climbing down the ladder as 13 closed it and went back to sleep.

Colonies snuck off into the forest, taking in the breeze. It was a nice cold midnight. Colonies continued looking through the forest.

" Woah, that mushroom looks cool! And that rock looks cool.. ooh! That bug looks cool too! I should take walks through the forest more often!" Colonies said to himself, pointing at each thing.

Colonies soon came up to a graveyard and looked around.

"Hm, is this the right path.." he muttered, retracing his steps.

"Yea, this is. The map never said i'd go through a graveyard.. huh, well, this place gives me bad feelings. I'll just be in and out in no time!"

Colonies started approaching the graves, the sickening feeling in his stomach getting worse. He walked on through the graveyard, trying to not look at the tombstones.

He suddenly tripped over one, landing fine but looked at the tombstone to make sure it was okay. It had slid over slightly. Colonies stepped back around to crouch down and put it back in place. It might've been special to someone and he didn't want them to think that someone had disrespected them.

He crouched down and slid it over until it was aline with the patch of dirt again.

"Hmm.. there!" He said, standing up. "Sorry.. uhh.. what's your name.." he crouched back down to look at the name.

"Sorry B-.." he paused, making sure he read the name right.

"But.. that can't be.. that's the same name as.. what..?" he muttered to himself. He paced back, thoughts racing through his head.

"I need to tell 13 about this."

word count: 625

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