Chapter 3: The past

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Let's go to Adventure City, in the year of 2000, three months after the 20th century has ended. Adventure City wasn't as big then as it is today. In fact, most of the buildings in Adventure City years later are not even buildings. Just free spaces with not a single soul in them. Even the lion statue where Chase was saved by Ryder was still in the process of building! Mission: Impossible 2 and Gladiator were hit movies of that year and kept audiences at the edge of their seats. Anyway, a massive portal opens at the alley near the lion statue and four pups come out.

Chase, Dolly, Patchy and Fluffy: WAAAHHHHH!!!

All four of the German Shepherds land not-so gracefully.

Patchy: (lands on his face) Ow!

Dolly: (lands on her back) Agh!!

Fluffy: (lands on his chest) Oof!

Chase: (gets up and rubs his head, groaning) Ugh. My head. (Turns around and sees lion statue. Then gasps) Oh no.

Dolly: Oh no what?

Chase: We . . . are in the past!!

Patchy: I thought you already dealt with your past!!!

Fluffy: Ooh. I wonder what younger me looks like.

Chase: No. Not THAT back into the past. Even farther.

Dolly: How far?

Chase: Well, depending on how small Adventure City is right now, that lion statue being made as we speak, I have hunch . . . that this year . . . is before Dad was born!!

Patchy: Oh no. He's right!!!

Fluffy: And uhh, not to be a Johnny Rain Cloud, but the lie detect-- (clears throat in frustration) time machine is broken!! Did you see how cracked it was?!

Patchy: And our gear and puptags are at the Lookout!

Dolly: What are we gonna do?!?!

Chase: (perplexed) I, uhh . . . I don't know. But Fluff has a point. With the lie--No no--TIME MACHINE--broken, we have no way in this time to get back to the Lookout in the present.

Patchy: So . . . (slowly walks to Chase) You're saying . . . (yanking on his collar) WE'RE STUCK HERE?!?!?!??!?!?!? (Dolly and Fluffy are shocked by Patchy's fury)

Chase: (freaked out by Patchy's outburst) Uh--I--umm--

Patchy: Don't "Uh--I--umm" ME, Chase!!! Tell me so I can go home, watch some anime, go on a date with Ella, and SPEND MY LEISURE TIME ANYWHERE BUT THE 2000s!!!!!

Chase: Well, I am not the time travel expert here, Patchy!! Leave that to Ryder!!

Patchy: RYDER'S NOT HERE!!!! He's not even been born yet here!!!

Fluffy: Patchy has a point, Chase!!! With Ryder not even existing yet, we are without a leader!!

Dolly: Hold on, Fluffy!! Chase is a leader, too!! Now let him go, Patch! Before I make you. (Patchy let's go of Chase's collar furiously) 

Patchy: (grits teeth, angrily and sarcastically) Well, why doesn't our "great and powerful and fearless leader" figure out a way TO GET THE HECK OUTTA HERE?!?!??!?!

Chase was infuriated by Patchy's remarks, but he's the only male pup in the group that can keep his cool. So, he took a deep breath and continued explaining in a sincere voice.

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