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It was a free period for everyone in the school, so the team set out to get themselves settled in, Michael headed over to the STEM department to get him and Eliot signed up, Eliot wanted to get a better look at the fashion department, while Marcus and Victor headed to the sports department to sign up for the sport there good at.


Michael headed to the STEM department to look for the Head, Julian. He slid the glass door open and got in, he was mesmerized by all the cool tech and science experiments going on, the room was like two class rooms stuck together with a science lab, tech lab, math corner and engine room. Michael new it would be hard to find Julien in a place filled with people, but luck was on his side, he was lucky to spot Julien talking to another freshmen, which he took this opportunity to talk to him before he moved places, so he ran over to him as the person left.

"Umm sorry, Julien right?" Michael asked as Julien turned to hes direction, "Yep, that me alright, so, here to sign up?" he asked, "Yeah, how did you know" Michael said, "Its not being smart but using common sense, your a freshman and by the looks of it your intrested in this place as much as the other freshman was" He said in a smart way which made Michael to scratch the back of his head, "Well, umm how do I sign up?" Michael asked, "Well, first of all, I need to know which section of the STEM department your intrested in, unless you wanna be in all of them" Julien said, "Oh umm, I'm actually signing up for me and my friend, I wanna do Technology, he wants to do science." Michael explained as Julian understood.

 "Well you do know you have to pay for the STEM department right?" Julien said as Michael looked confused, "Wait, pay? how much we talking about, and what about the other departments??" Michael asked, "Well you dont have to pay for the other departments cause there just like testing your skills, but its rare to have a STEM department cause it comprises of a lot of courses, even if your concentrating on one you still have to pay for the STEM in total" Julien said as Michael clearly didn't understand any of that, but was more concerned about the money to be paid. "Wait so how much we talking about?" Michael asked in concern.

 "Like $*****(a lot of money cause why not 😈😈)" Julien said which made Michael's mouth to drop, he didn't expect it to be that much, and he didnt have enough for his, "So, whats it gonna be, you can still talk to your friend about it, when your ready you can come meet me, cause I need to leave for something urgent" Julien said, "Where you heading in such a hurry?" Michael asked, "The Principal, Mr. Solas, Told me to check up on how the play was going" Julien said as Michaels face lit up, "So your heading to the theater(Thats where the fashion/acting department is)" Michael asked as Julien nodded in agreement, "I'm heading there too, so lets go together" Michael said as Julien lead the way.


Eliot made it to the back stage of the theater, were he saw a lot of people rehearsing for the upcoming play, he knew what he was here for, so he made a run for it to the clothing room were all the fabulous outfits were kept. As he made it in, he was glad no one saw him cause he knows he aint supposed to be back here, he walked through the room admiring all these clothes, "I need these in my closet" He said to himself, suddenly he heard humming from the room, so he hid in one of the clothes rack and checked who it was, and of course it was the designer himself, Sabastian was working on another outfit for the play.

"Hello!" Eliot said loudly which startled Sebastian, making him to poke himself with the needle, "EEK!, who? what? oww" Sebastian said as he turned around on his spinning stool and so Eliot smiling and waving at him, "Oh my stars you scared me, what are you doing here?" Sebastian said, Eliot just smirked, "Well of course I came to admire these clothes, but I didnt know you were in here, sorry" Eliot said while scratching his head, "Oh no don't worry, its fine, its just, I find it a little embarrassing when people watch me work" Sebastian said while rubbing his face, "Embarrassed, I'd for one would be proud if people saw how amazing I am when I design, but i guess were not the same, heh" Eliot said as Sebastian giggled a bit.

Sebastian and Eliot left the outfit room cause Sebastian needed to go to the nurse and Eliot needed to leave the room, he aint allowed in there, "So, are you here to sign up, or just to look at the clothes?" Sebastian said while smiling, "Actually.....Yep, I just came to look at the clothes', heh" Eliot said as Sebastian laughed, "Well, you'd make a great model if I do say so myself" Sebastian said as Eliot eyes shimmered, "✨I know right, my mom always said I'd look good in heels ✨" Eliot said proudly as Sebastian just giggled, "Well maybe you should audition for the next play, and you can pitch your friends in to" Sebastian said, "Yeah ill think about that" Eliot said as he spotted Michael and Julien heading there way.

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