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Julien and Michael approached Eliot and Sabastian, but Sebastian slipped away before they could reach. "Hey Eliot", "Hey Mike" they both said as the fist bumped each other, "Mike? is that a new nickname?" Michael asked, "Yeah, sure why not" Eliot said as the both laughed, "So this is Eliot?" Julien asked, "Yep, oh yeah, Eliot I need to tell you something about the STEM program" Michael said as Eliot wondered what it was, "By the way Eliot, where is Sebastian ?" Julien asked, "Oh, he's right-..here?" Eliot said in confusion as he turned around to see that he disappeared, "Oh, I think he went to put on a Band-Aid" Eliot said as Julien seemed to be confused, "Why would he need that?" Julien asked, "Well lets just say our first encounter was shocking, so he accidentaly pocked himself with the needle" Eliot said while fiddling with his hands.

"Eliot, you have, or we have to pay for the STEM program, if we want to be in the department" Michael said while scratching his head, "Well thats obvious" Eliot said, "It's $*****" Michael said as everywhere went silent, "Okay" Eliot said as Michael just stood there in shock, "'Okay', What do you mean okay, thats a lot of money-" "shush shush shush my friend, that aint money when your talking to me" Eliot interrupted as Michael just looked down, "Whats the big deal anyway?" Eliot asked as Michael just scratched his head, "Well I'm finding it hard to pay for myself-" "Then I'll just pay for the both of us" Eliot interrupted again and Michael gave an annoyed but surprised look, "Stop interrupting me, and wait, you will pay for me?" Michael asked surprised, "Yeah, anything for you buddy" Eliot said as Michael gave a soft smile, "Thanks El" He said as they fistbump.

Soon after Sebastian came back after heading to the med bay, "Oh, your back" Eliot said gladly as Sebastian smiled, "Yep, just had to get a band-aid" He said as Julien approached him, "Hello Sebastian, long time no see" Julien said with a smirk, "Long time no see Julien, what brings you to my department" Sebastian asks, "Well Mr. Solas said I should check up on how the play is coming along" Julien said, "Well its going on smoothly, we will be done one day before the play, then we would do stage practice on that day" Sebastian said as Julien just put his palm on his face.

 "I dont think that is a proper way to plan a play" Julien said while twitching his glasses, Sebastien just looked confused, "I beg your pardon?" Sebastien said in confusion, "Well aren't you supposed to plan to finish the rehearsal by now, so you'll have enough time to practice on stage" Julien said as Sebastien just stared and just smiled, "Well sorry, but last time I checked this is my department, so I do what I think is right, and I do it this way so everyone will feel like there ready, not because Mr. Solas needs it to be ready" Sebastien says as Julien scoffs, "Well I think my idea is way more efficient" Julien says as Sebastien just rolled his eyes, "Well I'm sorry smart ass, but last time I checked, you know nothing about fashion or acting" Sebastien said as Julien just rolled his eyes, "Actually I do, but I just dropped it" Julien said as Sebastien just scoffed, "You dropped it cause you flopped it" Sebastien said as Eliot and Michael just snapped there fingers.

"oooo snap" Eliot said while eating popcorn, "my goodness Eliot, where did you get that from?" Michael asked, "Never mind that, I always carry a mini pack of popcorn for these kind of purposes" Eliot said as he munched the popcorn and Michael took some too. Julien and Sebastien just glared at each other for along time, it was obvious they were fed up, "Well calm down mates" Uriel said as he and Noah entered the theaters with the props and paintings, "Ah, now thats the people I love~ to see" Sebastien said as he walked towards them. "I got all the paintings of where you want the show to be based" Uriel said, "And I brought the ice!" Noah said with a smile, "Great, I'm so grateful, you guys did a great job, you can drop them at the back stage for me" Sebastien said as they nodded and headed back stage.

"Ice?" Julien, Eliot and Michael said in Unisom, "Yes, Ice~" Sebastien said in a melodic way, "What do you need ice for?" Julien asked as Sebastien just giggled, "Well for the theme of the play of course" Sebastien said as Eliot eyes glimmered, "Oooo~, whats the theme?" Eliot asked curiously, "Swan lake, it will feature ice skating as if were floating on water like swans, that why we need the ice" Sebastian said as Michael and Eliot was amazed, "Wow, now I can't wait to see that" Michael said, "same here" Eliot said. "Well thats nice, let me see the scripts" Julien said as Sebastien just glared at him, "I beg your pardon, but I will not be giving YOU, MY scripts" Sebastien said as Julien tried to snatch it away, he grabbed Sebastien's hand and cornered him toward the downstage, "I wasn't asking you, Sebastien" Julien said as he glared at him, "Well I wasn't going to listen, Julien" Sebastien said while glaring at him as well.

"I thought they were close friends though?" Michael said while watching the drama from a far, "Same here buddy" Eliot said while eating popcorn, "Actually, the are friends" Uriel said as he walked up to them with Noah beside him, "its just that they had a little bit of, complications, so they often fight over the littlest things, which is quit funny to be honest" Uriel explained, "yeah, even sharing a dorm aint helping thoses two, hehe" Noah said as Eliot's Jaws dropped, "Their in the same dorm?!!" Michael said in shock, "Well we all are, we used that opportunity to get to know each other, thats why me and Noah are close friends, but it never really seemed to work for them that fast" Uriel said, "Honestly they look like a couple, not gonna lie" Eliot said while smirking, "Only the least of people think that, since they've made it pretty obvious that they don't like each other, but were all keeping our hopes by the side that they'll end up together, right friend" Noah said as Uriel pats his head, "yeah mate, we are" Uriel said as they all just watch Julien and Sebastien bicker.

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