3. Klaus

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   I whirled around towards the sound, and glared at the man. In the twilight I could just see his features, and I realized that in fact he looked not much older than me.

  “Who are you?” I demanded, deciding that feigning confidence was a better plan than revealing how terrified I was. I had no idea who he was, or what he wanted.

  “My name is Klaus,” he replied easily, seemingly not bothered at all by the death stare I was giving him.

  “Thank you. Goodbye, Klaus,” I stated, turning to run away. My plan was thwarted by my purse, which I tripped over. As I fell to the ground, I started to realize just how much trouble I could be in right then.

  “Wait,” Klaus appeared in front of me, out of nowhere.

  “How did you do that?” I gasped. Just a second before, he had been farther back – I was sure of it.

  “Let’s just say I’m extra fast,” he smiled knowingly down at me as he offered me his hand, presumably to help me up. ‘What, now he thinks I’m going to let him touch me?’ I thought. ‘This guy has some serious disillusions.’ Shooting him another scowl, I pulled myself to my feet and brushed some dirt from my jeans.

 “Now, I’ve told you my name. It will only be fair if you grant me the knowledge of yours,” Klaus requested as he smirked, watching my actions.

  “Bethany Forbes,” I told him reluctantly. Why was I telling him who I was?

  “Forbes? Ah, the founding families,” he chuckled at some sort of inside joke.

  “Whatever, I’m leaving now,” I informed him, my voice shaking a bit.

  “Why?” Klaus asked.

  “Because I don’t talk to strange men in secluded areas, especially not at this hour,” I retorted.

  “Don’t leave,” his eyes locked with mine. Confused, I began to walk away anyway, but my feet wouldn’t move from the ground below. After several tries, I looked up at Klaus with wide eyes.

  “W-why can’t I move?” my voice shook uncontrollably.

  “Because I told you not to, love,” Klaus smirked, as if it was nothing.

  “Quit calling me that!” I ordered, finding myself calmer all of a sudden.

  “Calling you what?” he asked innocently.

  “’Love’,” I frowned, “I’m not your love.”

  “Now, how do you know that?” Klaus looked into my eyes.

  “Because I’ve known your name for all of ten minutes and I’ve gotten enough harassment to last me a lifetime!” I spat out, completely confused with his behaviour.

  “Well then, I’m sorry,” he apologized. I eyed him warily.

  “My aunt’s the sheriff. I’ll tell her about you and you’ll get thrown in jail,” I lifted my chin.

  “You can’t tell anyone about me,” he looked away from me.

  “Why not?” I asked childishly.

  “Because I’ve got a secret,” Klaus smirked again. This guy really had a case of over-confidence.

  “What is it?” I bit my lip. Something about him made me curious, even though I had a deep feeling that he was seriously dangerous.

 He laughed shortly, “Follow me.”

  I took a careful step, testing the mobility in my feet, and found that I could move again. Klaus was beginning to walk away, and I knew that if I took the opportunity to run away, I could go back home and never think about him again. Sighing, I weighed my options. After a moment of indecision, I grabbed my forgotten purse and followed him.

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