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Authors note: this is her outfit, her hair, and her body yes booty and all😉


I unraveled my self from Sam's arms with a huge smile plastered on my face. I went downstairs to cook us some breakfast. As soon as I walked in I saw 3 drunk teenagers lying on my couches fast asleep. 'Ok, breakfast for 5 not 2', I thought to myself.

I looked into my fridge and pantry and finally decided on pancakes. I know Lucy likes Chocolate chip, so I will cook regular ones, chocolate chip, and blueberry. I mixed the batter up and started to cook. I had cooked all the pancakes and put them on separate plates. I didn't want to eat all alone, so I tiptoed up the stairs to wake Sammy up.

"Sammy", I said as I tried to shake him awake.

"Mmmm", he groaned as he turned over.

I leaned in and started to kiss his jawline and down his neck. He opened his eyes immediately. "Good morning", I said as he looked up at me.

"Mornin'", He smiled.

"I made breakfast. Do you like pancakes?", I asked him as he got up and stretched.

"Who doesn't like pancakes?", he chuckled. "Let me go pee, and I'll be down there", he told me.

"TMI", I said as I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

I was fixing myself a plate when Sammy came behind me and fixed his plate over me. I looked up to him over my shoulder trying to hide my smile. I'm falling for Sammy. I'm falling hard.

We put our plates at the dining room table and went to wake the others. Lucy hopped right up, but it was a different story for Jack and Johnson.

We all sat at the dining room table where most people sit with there families.

"Guys", I spoke quietly as everyone looked up from the plates.

"Yes?", Jack spoke after a couple seconds of awkward silence.

"Well", I said as I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I just want to thank y'all for being my best friends. I have no grandparents or cousins, plus my brother is in college across the country and as you guys know I'm my parents mistake and they don't really care for me. Thanks for being the family I don't have", I said as tears fell into my lap.

I got looks of pity from everyone, especially Lucy. Jack stood up, pulled me out of my chair, and embraced me into a hug followed by Lucy. It turned into a giant group hug, me in the middle. "I really love you guys, but I can't breathe", I said in a muffled voice.

We all shared a laugh and finished our breakfast. Everyone, as in Lucy and I loaded the dishes in the dishwater, and cleaned the kitchen spotless.

"Guys, I want to go do something", Johnson spoke.

"Me to", Sammy said as he texted someone on his phone.

"Where though", I said as I took my attention off of the tv.

"How about the fair that opens tonight", Lucy said excitingly.

"I'm down", I said.

"Well let's get ready", Sammy said.

"It's 11, it doesn't open until 6 or something", Jack said as he snaked his arm around Lucy's waist. Sammy looked over to them and did the same. I jumped at the contact, but quickly relaxed and scooted in closer to him.

Johnson stood up and took a selfie with all of us he sent it to all of our privates and posted it on his story. His caption was third wheeling, but Sammy and I weren't a couple. I wish we were, but we aren't.

I felt Sammy's hot breath against my skin. "I want you all to myself baby", he whispered as he placed his hand on my thigh. I stared at his hand for a little bit watching his thumb make circles on the top of my pants. I looked up at him and smiled.


5 rolled around, and I got dressed. I picked out high waisted white skinny jeans with a black crop top, paired with braided sandals. I curled the ends of my hair, and just put on mascara. I don't really put any make up on. That's the way I liked it.

Lucy and I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs. Jack's draw dropped to the floor when he saw Lucy, but Sammy didn't do anything. Stupid asshole.

He stood up and put his arm around my waist I pulled his arm off of me and walked off. By this time it was around 5:30. "Let's get something to eat", I said as I rubbed my stomach.

"McDonald's it is", Johnson said in a british accent.

We all split up. Lucy and I road in my car and the boys went in Jack's black range rover.

We met up at the local McDonald's. After we received the food we ordered we all sat down. Sammy kept glancing over to me. Sammy and Jack walked off near the bathroom. Of course I had to pee right when they walked off. I snuck over there and peaked around the corner.

"Dude, you better fix it", Jack spoke.

"I'm trying", Sammy said aggravated.

What are they talking about? What needs fixing? They walked off and I went to the bathroom. We left the restaurant and headed to the fair.

"Johnson, I want that bear", I said as I looked at the 5 foot tall teddy bear infront of me.

"I'm trying, Gabby", he whined as he tried to win the game for the 5th time. He finally got all three rings on the bottles. I ran up to him and hugged him; he picked me up of my feet and spun me around.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you", I said in his chest as he put me down.

I grabbed my bear and started walking with it on my back. It was currently 11pm and I was about ready to go home. "Guys, I'm about done", Lucy spoke reading my mind.

"One more thing", Jack smiled "the Ferris Wheel".

"Oh so you can kiss me at the top", Lucy smirked.

We had to wait in a ten minute line, and that's when we decided who was riding with who. We decided that Johnson was stuck with the bear. Obviously Lucy and Jack, and then Sammy and I.

"Gabby", Sammy said as we reached the top.

"Yes", I said looking up at him.

"I was wondering", he said as he intertwined our fingers "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!", I said as I kissed him on the cheek.

"If you're going to be my girlfriend you need to really kiss me", he smirked. I leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss our lips moving in perfect motion. This moment couldn't get any better.

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