Signs of Bibliophilism

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Signs of Bibliophilism:
-reads second book without hesitation
-reads book in school
-reads book for 12 hours straight
-obsesses over book on the internet
-hugs book
-buys merchandise from the book
-retreads book for the millionth time
-watches movie for book a million times, or once from disappointment
-gets everyone to read the Book and weep
-ships random people in book
-procrastinates over book
-wants to kill and hug author
-display book
-buys a few of the same book with different covers
-do weird things with book
-propose to the book
-bring book everywhere you go
-introduce people to the book
-use book as a pillow
-devote your life to book
-book before blood
-gets detention for reading too much
-stayed up all night rereading book
-force everyone you've ever met to read the book
-get jealous yet happy when other people read the book
-dream/daydream about book
-dust every page of the book
-type out the whole book for a pleasure state of mind
-defend book and offend whoever offends it
-make sure the book is the last thing you see
-end up saying things about the book in everyday conversations
-hate socializing
-only be friends with people who read the book
-start a petition to replay the movie in the theaters
-end up mentioning book in every conversation
-start a blog on that book

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