Shadows of Past

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Aashi steps out of the car, her boots hitting the cracked pavement with a sharp thud that echoes in the stillness of the neighborhood. It’s a stark contrast to the world she’s just left behind—one filled with opulence, power, and danger. The chilling wind whips through her long hair, but she feels nothing. Coldness has settled in her heart, an armor forged from years of survival.

Beside her, her elder brother, Abhigyaan, stands with a watchful eye, his expression a mix of relief and concern. “You okay?” he asks softly, trying to bridge the distance that has grown between them over the years.

Aashi nods, her gaze fixed on the house that looms in front of her. The place she once called home feels foreign now. Memories flash through her mind—laughter, warmth, and then the emptiness that followed when everything changed. She had been sent to a foster home, a move she never fully understood until now. She had built a new life, one as the notorious Dead Rose, a name whispered in the darkest corners of London’s underbelly. But now, she’s back, and the weight of her past presses heavily on her chest.

They walk up the familiar path, the overgrown weeds and cracked tiles a testament to the years of neglect. Aashi feels a flicker of emotion—nostalgia, perhaps—but she quickly shoves it down. She can’t afford to feel. Not now.

Abhigyaan pushes open the door, and the familiar scent of dust and decay hits her like a wave. The once-vibrant walls are faded, the furniture covered in white sheets as if the house itself is mourning. Aashi steps inside, her heart pounding in her chest.

“Stay close,” Abhigyaan warns, his protective instincts kicking in as he senses her unease. He knows how different she is now, how the innocent girl who used to dance around this house has been replaced by a woman forged in the fires of betrayal and violence.

As they move deeper into the house, Aashi’s eyes are drawn to the staircase leading to the second floor. She remembers her twin brother, Avyaansh, the boy who had always been her other half. They had shared everything—their dreams, their fears, and their laughter. But that was before the accident, before everything shattered.

“Avyaansh is upstairs,” Avyaansh finally breaks the silence, his voice a whisper. “He’s… in a coma.”

The words hang heavy in the air, and Aashi feels the ground shift beneath her. She had heard rumors in the underworld about her brother’s condition, but she had never known it was this dire. A swell of pain surges through her, and she grips the banister tightly, the wood splintering beneath her fingers.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she snaps, her voice sharper than she intended. The anger burns hot, a shield against the hurt threatening to engulf her.

“I didn’t want to pull you back into this life,” Abhigyaan replies, his tone steady but weary. “You’ve fought so hard to escape.”

Aashi’s heart races as she climbs the stairs, each step heavier than the last. She pushes open the door to his room, and the sight before her is overwhelming. Avyaansh lies in bed, surrounded by machines that beep and hum, his once-vibrant spirit now dimmed. Aashi steps closer, her heart aching as she takes in his pale face, the familiar features that mirror her own.

She kneels by his bedside, her fingers brushing against his hand. “Avi,” she whispers, the sound barely escaping her lips. “It’s me. Aashi.” Her voice trembles, and for the first time in years, she feels tears pricking at her eyes. She had faced down powerful men, orchestrated deadly missions, and yet here she is, vulnerable and raw, standing beside her twin.

In this moment, the cold facade she has built around herself begins to crack. She remembers the games they used to play, the dreams they shared. Aashi squeezes his hand, desperate for a sign, a flicker of recognition. “Please come back to me,” she murmurs, her voice breaking. “I need you.”

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Time stands still as she sits there, the weight of the world pressing down on her shoulders. She thinks of the chaos that surrounds her—the life of crime, the ruthless business she commands as the Dead Rose. The power she wields means nothing in this room, where the only thing that matters is her brother’s well-being.

“I’ll fix this,” she vows, the cold determination returning as she wipes her tears away. “I’ll find a way to bring you back. No one touches my family.”

As she stands, the icy mask slips back into place, but there’s a flicker of warmth igniting within her. Aashi Khanna may have returned to a broken home, but she’s not the same girl who left. She’s the Dead Rose, and she will stop at nothing to protect her brother and reclaim the life they once had and for her revenge too.

The shadows of her past may linger, but she’s ready to confront them, to rise from the ashes. For Avyaansh,for her revenge,for her parents,she’ll do whatever it takes, and the world will soon learn that the once-distant girl is now a force to be reckoned with.


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