19: Pinnacle of technology vs. pinnacle of biology, the ending will shock you

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Vision sighed and flew at me while I roared and charged him. Thankfully fighting someone who can preemptively see and dodge all of your attacks helps you realize you have a similar sense. Luckily spiders aren't the only things that can sense when things are about to go wrong.

Right as I finished the thought I got that feeling of standing next to a power line in a breeze again causing me to duck as Vision flew over my head.

I turned around to see him only for him to grab me by the throat and start flying up. I bit his arm, effectively making what I said about food come to pass. He hissed in pain until he phased his arm out of my mouth and diving bombing into the ground.

I gasped in pain and shifted back, laying in the new lizard crater and gasping.

"Challenging powers you have no comprehension of is just plain foolish Y/n. Granted, so is willingly choosing to be a war criminal." Vision said to me.

"Yeah, well so is dating a war criminal. I hope that goes great for you two. I'm over being jealous, getting new lizard instincts is rough man. At least sitting in whatever cell they plan to keep me in I can really think on how I'll adjust." I said looking at my clothes to make sure they aren't torn.

"Well now that you've had that bitterness beaten out of you, I'm sure it will. Besides, what cell? Tony intends to have you pardoned as an easily manipulated young adult that the Captain got to first." Vision said earning a chuckle until Ant Man went huge. That's like the opposite of his thing, maybe I can shift from a mammal to a lizard or an invertebrate.

We both looked at him before looking at each other.

"I just got body slammed from 500 feet in the air, go handle it man I'm out of the fight now." I said earning a chuckle before Vision flew off.

Honestly when the lizard half of your brain doesn't influence you into hatred, he's a pretty likeable dude. I really hope he and Wanda do work out. I'm sick of being bitter, and if I were a magical woman that has poor people skills I wouldn't blame her.

I sat and rested seeing the occasional laser blast go over me until Tony himself walked up to my crater with Rhodey over his shoulder.

"C'mon kid get up. It's over with, you guys lost. And you could've told me Spider-woman is super strong." Tony said helping me up.

"I mean I figured 'she's strong' was implied when recommended getting her help." I said to him before knocking some dirt off my shoulder.

"I mean it was, but I didn't think catching an entire bus was what you meant." He said chuckling.

"Tony she would fight me on the regular, and it was a coin toss on who would win for a while. Did I win the first time? Yeah, but did she take that into account because she's honestly pretty smart afterwards? Yeah again. Honestly if it wasn't for Vision, I really dunno which of us would've won." I said to him as he started walking over to the plane he took to get over here.

"Well hopefully you and Vision don't have any more run ins like that from now on." Tony told me while everyone loaded into the plane.

"Keep him on his leash and your dog won't get bit." I said glaring at Vision.

"I thought you were being sincere when you said you were over it." Vision said to me narrowing his eyes in return.

"Oh this has nothing to do with Wanda. It's about you pile driving me from a plane's flight altitude." I said leaning forward.

"I slammed you from a height I knew would have no permanent impact on you and that you could honestly have walked off if you really wanted to." Leaning forward as well.

"Kids, if you two are gonna fight the whole way home I'll pull this car over right now." Tony said to us.

"Yes sir." We both said leaning back and not looking at each other.

"Wanda is there any way you can get the super children back on good terms?" Tony asked her.

"None that I can think of, and I don't see how more of the problem is the solution." She said in response.

"You aren't the problem anymore, now HE is." Vision and I said pointing at each other.

"Don't make me rip a robo off arm and beat you with it." I said to him.

"I would love to see you try." He said in response causing me to growl and stand up, my tail falling out of the hoodie and thudding on the ground next to me.

"Kid, sit in the copilot seat and take over Aux, and while you're at it just take a chill pill. Vision, stop antagonizing him and worry about how your magical girlfriend is after the fight we just had." Tony said.

"Yeah Vision, priorities. If you weren't with her I'd think you liked me or something." I said.

"You two are fighting with each other more than the person who used to be your literal arch enemy." Tony said reminding Spider-woman is here.

"I might be having a spat with the CLANKER but that doesn't mean I forgot about you." I said now directing my glare towards A maskless Spider-woman.

"At this point we should just toss coin to see how it'd go, and I'm getting stressed out by all your stress." She said to me.

"And I could strangle the life out of without changing a shade-"

"Wow you really ARE a lot like the Hulk." Wanda said interrupting me.

"Anyways, I really hope this puts into perspective why I was fighting with Cap. I have enough super Enemies. Don't need more." I said getting up and stomping into the cockpit before stealing Aux.

"Can you play something else? I can hear how angry you are through the music right now." Rhodey asked me.

"Sure Rhodey, sorry. If it makes you feel better you don't have to deal with it anymore." I told him before changing the playlist entirely just to be safe.

"Appreciate it, and you might've fought two of us, but that doesn't mean anyone here dislikes who you are man, just a decision you made and the side you took. Just try to remember that." Rhodey said.

It'd be motivational if Vision wasn't glaring daggers into the back of my head.

"Actually now that we're on the subject, what's your name Spider-woman. Calling you that casually is weirder than both of our powers combined." I said.

"Patricia. Patricia Parker. And you are?" She introduced.

"Y/n. Y/n L/n. I'm guessing you're the results of the spider experiment Dr. Cardinal had going on." I said to her.

"You guess right. And I'm guessing you're the result of the reptile experiment YOU were working on." She said in response.

"Good guess, just don't ask me for my serum. A giant lizard that can spin webs is a terrifying concept." I said chuckling as she did as well.

"See how fast you moved on, this entire scenario could've been avoided if you just joined us." Vision said looking at me and Patricia.

"SHUT UP, I GET THAT YOU'RE A ROBOT AND DON'T UNDERSTAND SOCIAL CUES BUT YOU'RE MAKING THIS AWKWARD! Jinx. Jinx again. And a third time. You just can't help yourself can you? You want to be me SOOOOOOOOOOOOO badly."  We said in sync causing Iron Man to laugh with everyone else.

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