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Amelie pressed her phone against her ear, listening to the familiar voice of her best friend chattering about their plans for next summer. She smiled, watching the busy streets of Stockholm through the window of the café. The sky was painted in soft hues of orange and pink, and despite the chilly weather, the air had a certain kind of warmth to it—the kind that made everything feel possible.

But today wasn't about next summer. Today was about this moment, about her life finally taking a new turn.

"I'll call you back," she whispered, eyes catching on something—or rather, someone—across the street.

It was him. Edvin Ryding.

There he was, headphones in, strolling casually as if he didn't notice the curious stares that followed him. His dark blonde hair fell into his eyes as he walked with the kind of ease that came with confidence, completely unaware of the stir he was causing.

Heart racing, she quickly hung up the phone, a strange flutter rising in her stomach. Sure, she had seen him around town before—everyone in Stockholm had. But now, with her new internship at the film production studio, there was a chance she'd be working with him.

Her fingers drummed nervously on the edge of her coffee cup. What would she say if they actually met? Her friends teased her about her little crush, but it wasn't just about his looks or his role in Young Royals—it was his quiet charisma, the way he seemed thoughtful, kind. The way he never acted like a star even though he was becoming one.

"I can't believe I'm really going to meet him..." she thought, half-excited, half-terrified. Would he notice her? Would he even care?

"Excuse me." A soft voice interrupted her thoughts, and she looked up—heart jumping into her throat.

It was Edvin. Standing right in front of her.

He smiled awkwardly, pushing a strand of hair behind his ear. "Do you mind if I sit here for a moment? The café is packed."

Her throat went dry. Was this real?

"Uh—sure," she managed to stutter, gesturing to the empty chair opposite her.

As he sat down, her mind raced. She had imagined this moment so many times—what she would say, how she would act. But now, faced with the reality of Edvin Ryding sitting across from her, her carefully crafted thoughts vanished.

He sipped his coffee, glancing at his phone. "Long day?"

She blinked. He was talking to her. Actually talking to her.

"Yeah, you could say that," she replied, trying to sound casual, but her heart was pounding in her chest.

He nodded, his smile growing a little. "Same here. It's been non-stop lately."

A pause. She could hear her pulse in her ears, and for a split second, she wondered if he could too.

"So... are you in town for work?" she asked, trying to keep the conversation going, though she felt out of her depth.

He looked at her, surprised, and then a little curious. "Yeah, actually. How'd you know?"

"Oh, I—" She hesitated. Should she mention she was starting an internship at the same studio where he worked? Or would that come off as creepy?

"I, uh... I just read about it," she quickly covered, biting her lip. "You know, on social media."

His laugh was soft but genuine. "Figures. I'm trying to keep things under wraps, but it's hard. People are always watching."

The conversation dipped into a comfortable silence, and Amelie stole a glance at him. Up close, he was even more striking—sharp cheekbones, warm brown eyes, the kind of relaxed confidence that seemed so effortless. And yet, there was something gentle about him too, something real.

"You?" he asked after a moment, turning the tables on her. "What do you do?"

She swallowed, her palms slightly sweaty. "I'm actually starting at the studio to be a make up artist... tomorrow, actually."

Edvin raised an eyebrow, looking impressed. "Really? That's cool. Guess I'll be seeing more of you, then."

Her cheeks flushed. Was that excitement she heard in his voice? She wasn't sure, but the possibility sent a new wave of butterflies through her chest.

Just as she was about to respond, her phone buzzed with a notification, snapping her back to reality. She glanced at the screen—it was a message from her Assistant, reminding her of the schedule for tomorrow's orientation. Tomorrow. The beginning of something new.

"I should probably get going," she murmured, reluctantly standing up.

Edvin stood too, his expression softening. "Well, good luck tomorrow. And hey, maybe we'll grab coffee again."

Her heart did a somersault. Did he just suggest they meet again?

"Maybe," she said, offering a small, nervous smile. "See you around, Edvin."

He waved as she walked away, her mind still spinning from the encounter. She didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but one thing was for sure—it was going to be interesting.


Hey loves,

I'm currently in a Young Royals phase, so I figured, why not start writing something new, right?

Hope you enjoy it!


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