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Hey guys. This chapter might be inappropriate for younger readers. Just warning now. I'm sorry if you don't like it. But it's my book. If you are anyone under the age of 12. Do not keep reading. Thanks. And sorry if it's to inappropriate. Let me know if it is. Thanks for reading!!


I stepped back. "Please don't tell anyone. The guys are the only people who know." I shook my head. "I won't tell anyone." I say. We stand there for a few minutes in silence. Then he turns and looks at me. He pulls me in for a kiss. We kiss passionately for a minute or two. When he pulls away, he smiles at me. Then we over to the party to find our friends.

When we found them, they already had drinks. I decided I shouldn't drink because some one needed to drive home. We were all standing in a circle talking. A drunken Tyson stumbled into the circle. "You know you guys I have been a total díck lately." Then he turned to Mikayla, grabbed his stomach, and puked all over her.

We went outside and Mikey pulled up his car. "We will lay down garbage bags in the back hatch. Mikayla will have to sit there." We all got in the car and drove home.

When we got home, Mikayla ran straight upstairs to get a shower. Just as Mikayla came down stairs, Tyson walked in. "Tyson go to bed." Mikayla says. Tyson walks over and wraps his arms around Mikayla. "What the hèll are you doing?!" Mikayla said. She unwrapped Tyson from her and walked him up the stairs. For a few minutes everyone was quiet. Then I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of vodka and sat down on the couch. "Anyone wanna play never have I ever?" I say. Everyone came and sat down. Luke sat next me. He smelled like drugs. "Who's gonna go first?" Mikey asks excitedly. "I will." says Ashton. "Never have I ever had oral sex." says Ashton. Nobody took a drink. "Seriously. I thought somebody would've by now." he says. We all laughed. Next it was Dani's turn. "Never have I ever smoked a cigarette." she said. All four boys took a drink. Wow. How did I not know about this. Mikayla also took a drink. "You've smoked before?!" said Gabby. "Yeah. It wasn't actually that bad." said Mikayla. Next it was Calum's turn. "Never have I ever been puked on by a drunk person." he says. Mikayla and Luke take a drink. "It's a long story. I used to work at a bar." Luke says. It's Gabby's turn. "Never have I ever had sex." she says. All four boys took a drink. Its my turn. "Never have I ever lost a game of never have I ever." I say. Everyone except me and Gabby took a drink. "How have you never lost a game?" Luke asks me. "Simple. You don't do the obvious things. Or you just know everyone who is playing." I say. It's Luke's turn. "Never have I ever kissed a guy." he said. Me,Gabby, Mikayla and Danni all took a drink. It burnt my throat on the way down. It felt warm in my stomach. It's Mikayla's turn. "Never have I ever seen a scary movie." she says. I can't believe she's never seen a scary movie. I hate scary movies. But I've seen two with Gabby and Danni. The one was really scary. Everyone except Mikayla took a drink. "Do you guys wanna watch one?" I asked. "Sure." Everyone says at the same time. It was kinda creepy. "Can we watch The Lazerous Effect again?" Gabby asks. That was the movie we watched at Danni's house. I put the movie in and walk into the kitchen. I sit down at the island and pull my phone out. I go on Snapchat and look at everybody's stories. I hear footsteps. I turn around. "Hi." says Luke.

"What are you doing in here?" I say.  "I wanted to see what you were doing." he says. "It's nothing exciting. Just checking Snapchat." I say unamused. "Why aren't you in there watching the movie with your friends?" Luke asks. "I don't like scary movies." I say. Then I get up and walk up the stairs to my room. As I am getting closer to the top of the stairs, I hear footsteps behind me. It's probably just Mikayla. I get into my room and open my door. I turn to close it and I see Luke go into the bathroom. I leave my door open a crack in case someone needs in. I get into a tank top and spandex. I crawl into bed. I slowly start drifting off to sleep. My door opens. I see Luke Hemmings walk into my room. He gets into his boxers. "What are you doing?" I ask. "I missed you." he says needingly. You could tell he is drunk. He crawls into my bed next to me. I cuddle into his chest. I start drifting to sleep. I am in love with Luke Hemmimgs.




Hey guys. Thanks to anybody and everybody that reads. Thanks soo much. I hope you like it. I'm sorry it took so long. It kept deleting what I was writing. I would like to make a huge thanks to my awesome co-writer. Thanks sooo much Noah. Noah has been there for me through everything. We have fought but we can't stay mad at each other. He is a wonderful writer. Go check out his books. They are my favs. Sorry for the long authors note.

Song: Wake Me Up by Ed Sheeran

I love this song. Sorry it's a sappy love song. But it's so sweet. I am in love with this song. And Ed Sheeran. He is one of my favorite singers. If you haven't heard of him or his songs, go check them out.

If you have any suggestions please let me and/or Noah know.


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