Every Man for Their Own

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The door of the lonely room by the basement suddenly rang with the bell from the lobby.

The kid who's staying there knows, that bell must be from someone else. The friends that came to his house should know that they must contact him by phone. Although, of course there's no one that will come to his home either way.

That kid grows more agitated by the sound of the doorbell. He finally have had at it and goes to the lobby and open the door.

It was a girl with a hoodie, that thanked him for opening the door.

The kid said, "please, you're ringing the wrong bell. Just call them."

The girl, feeling guilty, replied, "ohh yes! I'm sorry!" She bowed her head, when the kid went back to his room and shut the door.

At his home, he sometimes look back at the kind memories he have on the outside world. The purity and trust he got for his sometimes nice friends truly coloured his dull heart.

Although, this was 4 years ago.

He sighed and tried to think, "where does the time go?"

The kid's name is Jake, but it's easier to refer to him as the kid. He never grows up after all.

What is growing up? What is moving on? Can people truly got a hang on what's loyal or not?

The kid never thought about this. He always thinks that it will always stay the same. At first, the kid was alone, he had no friends.

He had hard times, depressing tones. But he overhauls it by getting to know his friends.

The kid truly felt grateful for them. All those golden years spent with honor and grace. The kid knows that he won't be alone, and he had his fun.

Is it all for granted? Can't it be forever more?

Is it the kid's fault? He seems to not be able to move on when others are.

One by one his friends began to move on, others had careers, others had couples, others went faraway to study.

The kid truly remembers the glory days when they had fun studying together, and still hold on to it.

The kid got bullied before, so this is his best chance to be normal, to be appreciated. To be loved.

Is it the kid's fault? He wants to be loyal, but his friends now suddenly neglected him. Is it his fault? That he doesn't know how to be a good and sincere friend. That the kid doesn't want to hurt anybody. That he's afraid that somebody will be offended by him talking.

The kid goes to bed with the thinking that everything will always be the same. But no, everybody moved on. Only your loved ones will stay and support you.

The kid looked back with tears at those beautiful sunset-like dreams, where he and his friends play together as college friends. The kid can finally appreciate what friendship supposed to be.

Is it finally the time to move on?

The kid can't hold back his sadness. The lonely feeling of being left behind when everybody seems to be able to just go and leave him alone.

It is his fault, to really depend on someone else for his own true happiness. The kid now learns that everybody can't be trusted, even his own close friends.

For every kindness that he gives, he got no return. For his birthday, they don't give him anything. The kid sit down and looks at himself in the mirror.

"Is it my fault? Tell me, have I been different? Have I been unkind?"

Everybody just left him behind, the kid with all of his innocence looks back again to the mirror. He becomes stronger, his will and personality has changed for the worst.

"Maybe, I'm not meant to be friends with them, after all this years, all this kindness. What more should I give?"

"They're the wrong ones, I'm sure of it."

The kid long knows that his friends doesn't like him. He knows by gesture and the unwillingness of them. He just doesn't know the fine line between friends and romance for the girls. He doesn't want it to be sensitive.

The kid throws a heavy sigh.

"Isn't this supposed to be easy? Everybody seemed happier, it seems simpler. What more should I give to have a normal long lasting friendship?"

"This is all my fault, for giving too much hope for my existing friends to be there for me. This is all my weakness."

The kid now learns, that it must be every man for their own.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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