Chapter 7: I Take a Bath in Tabasco Sauce

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I wait until Leo is out of the range in which I can hear his footsteps, and then I follow him. He seems completely lost in thought. He heads straight for the woods, making his way around the lake. He gets into the woods a little bit, and I stick to the sides of the trees, wishing I had less blond hair, and keep behind him. A little way in, he stops and tilts his head.

"Hera," he mutters. I jump before realizing he's talking to himself, not Hera. "You're not even here, are you? You're in a cage somewhere."

No one answers.

He stands for a couple more seconds before saying, "Believe me, lady, I remember. And whoever you are, I'm gonna face-plant you hard, Leo-style."

This boy makes absolutely no sense.

He keeps walking, finally, and immediately starts tripping over everything. Roots, rocks, his own feet—everything. I do my best to not trip, but I have to be looking up at Leo to see where he's going and I have to look at the ground.

He eventually stops, which is good, because in my effort to be silent, I've fallen behind. He raises his hand, opens it, and then—


No way.

Leo can summon fire? How long has he known this? Who else knows? Does he know how rare—

I trip over an exposed root, forgetting to look down. Leo spins around, extinguishing his fire, and his eyes land on me.

I smile and wave at him from the ground. "Hi."

Leo's panicked face turns into a confused one. "What are you doing out here?"

"I was following you. Wait, sorry, that sounds really creepy," I say, getting up and brushing myself off. My hair is having a rough day: falling down the Grand Canyon, flying back up, getting dunked and dried in about two seconds, and now this.

"Yeah, it kind of does," Leo says. "Can I ask why you were following me?"

"Um, I don't really know," I say. "I just felt like it. I saw you leave, and I was bored."

Leo considers this for a moment, then nods. "That's fair. Did you see, uh..."

"The fire? Yeah, that's why I tripped."

"Oh, great. Okay."

A couple seconds of awkward silence pass before I can't take it anymore and break it. "Are you out here to find a ride?"

"Actually, yeah. My idea is...kind of insane, but it'll be awesome if it works."

"Can I help you?"

Leo looks surprised. Then he nods. "That would be awesome. We need to keep walking." He summons more fire, and I stare at it for a second before realizing I need to be moving.

"So what's your idea?" I ask as we keep making our way through the woods.

"Did anyone tell you about the mechanical dragon that's gone wild since that Hephaestus kid died?" Leo asks me.

"Um, yes. It torches everyone who comes near it."

"Not everyone. I'm fireproof."

Leo brings his flames straight toward his face and my eyes widen, but he only laughs. "I told you, I'm fireproof. I don't burn. Anyway, the dragon—"

"Oh, gods, no. That is not your transportation idea."

"It kind of is."

I stare at Leo for a few more seconds, genuinely wondering whether he needs help, before my face splits into a grin. "That is awesome. Let's do it."

Book 1: Sparks Fly (Leo Valdez x OC)Where stories live. Discover now