January 1st, 2010

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Lolol BFDI episode 1 reference?!
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    (Woody's P.O.V.)

    The show is today, and there are more people than usual. Is it because of the setting change? Will they think of me as a wimp? Will the audience start throwing tomatoes? Will the show go smoothly?

    "You look pretty stressed out over there Woody. You feeling alright?" The soothing voice of Tree, my brother echoes in my ears, trying, but failing to keep my stress at sea level.

    "Wuh. Well, aren't there more people today? I mean, this is a really populated area." Nervously said, me.

    "Woody, are you seriously mentally criticizing yourself? C'mon buddy, you know you're better than whatever you're thinking of about yourself." My other cousin Leafy sure has a way with words. She brought Grassy with her to the back lounge that we, me, Tree, Leafy, Gaty and someone by the name of 'Blocky' was staying in. I think he has a show scheduled after mine. He looks... a bit scary. Menacing, maybe?

    "So first you're criticizing yourself and now you're staring at a guy? Anyways, you go on soon. Just ask Gaty to help you mentally prepare yourself or something. Isn't she a therapist?"
Leafy did not just suggest what I thinks she did. Right? I don't think I would be attracted to someone so quickly. Right? But yeah, she's right. Maybe I should go talk to Gaty about my anxiety and-

    "Thithter! Thith! Thithy! Look, itth 6:00PM!
Ithn't it time for cuthy'th show?" I look at the time. Oh no, Grassy's right. It is time for the show. It almost looks like the object from the corner of the room is following me onto the stage, until he goes the opposite direction in which I'm going. Leave the anxiety out of your head Woody. There's a reason you got past your stage fright, right? There's no time to re-enter that phase!

    As I walk out of stage, I overlook the sea of object and some algebrailians in front of me. As I turn my head to walk to the center of the stage, I freeze. All the noise fades around me as I see the same red block from before.

    "What are you doing on stage right now?!" He whisper yells.

    "Uhm, my s-show is scheduled for now?" We both turn our heads to the huge sign displayed from the back of the stage. It reads, 'W/B.F.D.I., the new star duo!'

    "What the fuck?!" I hear Blocky whisper-yell and ask me,
    "Did you know anything about this?", to which I respond with, no. Blocky looks at me, and says the scariest words I have ever heard.

    "We're going to have to improvise."
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    (Tree's P.O.V.)

    After my little brother and the 'Blocky' guy leave the room, I sense someone familiar step into the vicinity of the lounge. Looking up from Leafy and Grassy, my eyes meet a memorable figure. Pen. Not wanting anything to do with the old acquaintance, I t try to quietly make my way out of the room.

    "Tree..? Is that you?" Shit. Turning around. I turn around the slowest any object can ever turn around as my eyes lined up with his.

    "Man I haven't seen you in so long how's-"

    "I wonder why you haven't seen me in so long. I really don't want anything to do with you at the moment, and probably ever again, so please leave me alone." The crestfallen look on his face was so satisfying. It was almost as deep as the one I made when he ghosted me at literally the worst time.

    "Wait, Tree, I can explain why I didn't talk to you for so long. Let's talk this out like frie-"

    "Not a chance." And with that, I walk out of the room. Maybe I've Cube was right about one thing. Revenge was gonna feel pretty nice.

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