This is my first story so I don't expect it to be good
The theme of this story is what if the remnants of Discord chaos magic stuck around after he was turned into a statue creating life from his magic he will have to face
The characters in this story will added on depending if it works so Sombra can just appear out of nowhere to make the plot somewhat interesting
This is mainly going to be the perspective of one of Discord creation he made way back when he opposed Celestia and Luna for the right of Equestria
The creature name will be Nightshade his descriptions will be of a tall and lanky humanoid with a crimson face full of anguish and pain the creature is male and kinda of like an amalgamation but he used to be a beautiful creature of chaos now a being full of dread and rage
overall it will be quite interesting if your willing to read it
The backstory will come later on for all characters and each one will get a perspective on what happened the day Discord appeared and got sealed and so on
Nightshade character and ideals has strong resentment towards the gods of Equestria and they're choices which have impacted him and others like him from they're own selfish desires and they're strong forced ideals