The Shadows

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Welcome to the second part if you're here. I'd like to say this now there's a small part with decently graphic details of injuries. I'll put a warning before it if you wish to skip it. Enjoy the darker side of the fanfic!


Around him the world seems to shift. Explosion holes form into the ground, bright burst of flames appear in front of him, causing him to dodge and weave around them. The sky is impossibly dark, like the void had swallowed the sky above.

In a panic he runs towards the mounds. A single loud yell pierces the air as a a smoky figure hits the ground. Though it appears to be made of smoke or some from of mist a few colours can be made out. A blue jacket and yellow hair. The Canary. It yells ones again as a loud shriek fills the air and a swirling blue vortex hits him and lightning strikes. Gone.

He takes a staggering step. He wasn't able to help. How could he?

And as that thought crossed his mind another vortex hit a man. A recognisable moustache man trying to run but getting caught on a fence. Lightning once again.

He goes to yell out, to help. But he stays frozen. Looking towards the base the globe, burning. A man lighting it on fire and as the scarred man below watched he recognised someone. A familiar someone walking up behind the man burning the globe- something he had put so much love and time into. The man behind him flung his arm out, pushing the latter off.

He laughed and said something casually- cheerfully.

"Goodbye Tango!"

Lightning. Gone.

The man had betrayed the other.

"You betrayed him."

He swivelled around to see a shadow that he regularly saw. One that visited him in the dead of night. He went by the name of Martyn.

"Be honest to yourself. You know you betrayed him. And you enjoyed it. If you look right up to the globe, watch yourself push him and laugh. Hear the casual tone of voice. That was you. And this isn't the first time you've betrayed someone is it?" Martyn grinned, pacing around the other as he watched the globe continue to burn, taking deep breaths.

"Hmm how about that time in the last world. You shot your own "mother". I'm surprised she ever took you back!" The shadow chuckled. "You've betrayed many and will betray many more. You're a monster. You're untrustworthy-"

He cut Martyn off, pushing past him and running through the chaos of smoke and fire, continuing on his way to attempt to escape this nightmare.

Breathing heavily and coughing from the smoke he runs up towards the cherry blossom mountain. He tried to ignore the fact he spotted a smoke version of himself once again, mercilessly plunging his sword into his chest.

"That's not who I am." he thought to himself only to be immediately met with the Shadow's voice.

"Yes that is."

As he ran towards the mountain a sight stopped him. Someone he recognised well as an old friend, an allie, his "mother". They frantically run away, not realising they've hit a corner. Despite being a smoke figure the expression of pure terror is clear across her face.

A maniac laugh fills the air.

"Hello Mum! All good thing's come to an end don't they?!"

Frozen once again to the spot, he watched as she begged and pleaded with him to let her go, to spare her yet his smoke figure laughs again, strolling almost unnaturally over to her.

"Goodbye Mum!" He said in such a cheerful manor before plunging a the same sword into her gut and then letting out yet another insane laugh and stabbing her again, and again, and again.

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