17. Arrival

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Seb sat waiting, nervously tapping out the tune of a Foo Fighters' song on the leather bound steering wheel of his Alfa Romeo Stelvio. Dylan and Ella's flight had landed twenty minutes earlier. Any minute now they'd be exiting the airport. He'd finally see them again after seven weeks.

Part of him had wanted to go into the airport building to meet them, but he and Ella had both agreed that it was best if he waited for them in the car. If they were spotted together rumours would start, and that was the last thing they wanted. Seb and Dylan were still getting to know each other, and neither of them were ready for the world to know about their relationship. 

Although it had been seven weeks since he'd seen his son in person they'd FaceTimed every evening, and he'd spoken to Ella several times too.  His family had spoken to Dylan on FaceTime over Christmas as well. It had been an awkward experience on both sides.    His family would be arriving the following day.   Seb hoped that in person things would go better.

A smile spread across his face as he spotted Dylan emerging from the airport building. Bundled up in his black puffer coat and with a grey beanie on his head, Seb recognised him immediately. His heart began to race as he saw the woman walking with him. Ella. She was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a maroon padded coat. She wasn't wearing a hat. Her long dark hair was hanging loose over her shoulders.  It was snowing lightly and the snow was settling on her hair.  She was laughing at something Dylan had said and she looked simply lovely. More than lovely, she looked beautiful.

Seb got out of the car and raised his hand in the air, waving to attract their attention. Dylan spotted him almost immediately. He saw him gesture in his direction and Ella looked his way.
He rounded the car and opened the boot ready to receive their luggage.

"Hey Seb, sorry we took so long," Dylan said. "Aunt Ella decided she wanted to buy some magazines."

"That's ok. It's good to see you kid," he replied, briefly hugging his son. He was a little disappointed that he'd called him Seb rather than Dad but it was still early days. He turned to look at Ella.

"Hey," he said, almost shyly, wanting to hug her too but unsure whether he should. "Good flight?"

"Not bad," she replied. "How was the drive?"

"Also not bad. It took a bit longer than it usually does as the roads are a little icy, but otherwise it was straight forward. Here, let me get your case."

Before Ella could protest he picked her suitcase up as if it weighed nothing and slid it into the boot.

Dylan got into the front passenger seat and made himself comfortable.  Seb opened the back door and held it whilst Ella got in and sat down behind Dylan.

"How was your New Year?" Seb asked as he got back into the driver seat and put his seatbelt on. He hadn't spoken to them since New Years Eve a few days earlier.

"It was good," Dylan said. "Aunt Ella was working so I spent it with Lydia and her family."

"New Years Eve is a big thing in the pub industry," Ella chipped in. "I couldn't get out of it. Joel and Nicole both worked too. We had a big fancy dress party."

"Did you wear a costume?" Seb asked, a big grin spreading over his face. He then thought of Ella wearing a skimpy little maids dress.

"Yeah," she told him. "We had a movie theme."

"Who were you?"

"Lara Croft."

Damn, Seb thought as he felt a stirring between his legs.

Missing Pieces (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now