~ (Sage's POV) ~
Mom was at my side in an instant once she'd realized I was awake. Though still disoriented and entirely confused, I was able to make out that we were in a hospital.
My body felt sore and stiff, and wires strung out every direction. Worst of all, my skin felt dry and my lips were chapped.
I was too focused on those feelings to even notice that I'd literally been cut open at some point. That was until I moved to sit upright, and the hand of a man quickly pushed against my shoulder keeping me pinned to the bed.
I hadn't even noticed he'd come in.
"Careful.. careful.." He said in an instant, as I relaxed back into the laying position. "I'll help raise the bed up slowly, so we don't tear your stitches." He explained, making me glance over to mom who stood on the other side of the bed.
"Stitches?" I whispered out, my throat was too dry to really form coherent words. She stayed silent, not even acknowledging the fact that I'd spoke to her. This made my worry increase at a rapid speed and I snapped my head toward the doctor at my side that was raising me to a sitting position. "What does she mean, stitches?"
He glanced up, meeting my eyes. His smile was easy, unconcerned as he spoke, helping to ease my concern.
"You had a small operation, but everything went perfectly. You're expected to make a full recovery." He explained, moving over to the computer in the room and typing something in.
My head spun as I tried to recall any event that could've ended me up here, in this position. My mind was completely blank, I had faint memories of waking up and eating breakfast downstairs. That's where my recollection ended though.
"Mom, what happened?" I asked, through my raspy voice. She looked up and met my eyes, but once again stayed silent.
I let out an annoyed huff and glanced over to the doctor who had turned around himself.
"That is a good question Amy, one we're still waiting for you to answer." He prompted, making my eyebrows furrow. She hadn't even told the damn doctors?
"I said I would explain later, I'm not in the headspace to have this conversation right now." She spit out, narrowing her eyes at the man. Shortly after she stocked out of the room, leaving just me and him.
"I'm sorry about her, she just gets overwhelmed.." I mumbled out, trying to make amends for her abrupt mood switch.
"Don't apologize for something that's not your fault kid." He said softly, walking back over to stand beside the bed. "How are you feeling?"
I paused and thought for a moment, taking in the state of my body.
"Sore?" I answered, in more of a question.
"Understandably, but I'll up your dosage a little bit to help manage it." He moved back to the computer for a moment before speaking again. "Any nausea?"
I shook my head no, and he nodded moving to the sink. A few moments later a small cup of water was placed in my hands, making me smile brightly.
I shakily raised it to my lips and sipped out of it, allowing the liquid to soothe my throat and mouth.
"Thank you.. so freaking much." I groaned out, feeling relief. I heard him chuckle a bit beside me.
"Of course." He said, before shooting me another smile. "I'm Dr. Clifford by the way, I work in internal medicine."
I gave him a look of pure confusion. "You're a what..?"
He once again laughed and shook his head a bit.
"Right my bad. Basically I'm the dude who did your surgery.." He said, trying to think of an easier way to explain it. "The name's Michael."
I smiled and gave a small nod, liking the informal answer much better.
"Well thank you..." I said a bit brighter. "I'm Sage, it's nice to meet you."
Our formal introductions were cut short as my mother came back into the room, looking stressed as ever.
"What have you told her?" She asked quickly, turning her attention directly toward Michael. Her tone was sharp and almost panicked.
He quirked an eyebrow in her direction and crossed his arms over his chest. "Not anything about that." He said, seeming upset almost instantly.
"Good, and I want it to stay that way." Her tone was final as she sat down in the chair next to my bed, leaving no room for argument.
Michael, however, challenged her quickly.
"I understand she's still recovering right now, and that it's best to wait. But, she'll have to know eventually." His tone remained calm, but body language told a different story.
"I'm not arguing this here, not in front of her. I get the final say in that matter anyways, it's none of your concern."
"He'll fight it now that he knows." Michael said back, shutting off the computer and turning to face her. "It's a matter of time."
"He won't win, and neither will you. Now, I want a new doctor, one that doesn't have this conflict of interest." She said, rising back up and boldening her voice along side it.
I looked between the two of them, utterly confused and at a loss for words. Whatever this was seemed both important and controversial.
I tried to fight past my curiosity as the two of them had a small stand off in front of me. Michael arguing to keep his place as my surgeon, and my mother insisting that he get out. Ultimately, I couldn't help but inquire.
"Tell me what?" I asked, aiming both my eyes and my question at Michael instead of my mother.
I watched him internally debate for a moment, seeming to be at a loss for words. That was until my mother stepped in.
"If it was any of your concern I would've told you. Now shut the fuck up and stay out of it." She bit back at me, her voice cold and loud. I flinched, trying to ignore the tears that pricked my eyes.
Michael lost it almost immediately.

Fanfiction"Bombay." "No fucking way." -------------------------------------- A girl with a one in a million-blood type, and a slim chance at a man willing to give up anything to save her. -------------------------------------- A 5sos medical fanfiction.