Luffy, Oh no...

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Junko was sitting at a chair and was holding a book pages facing Ren he sniffed the flask with the blue soup.

The book she was holding was all types of plants and berries.

As he looks at the pages he would shake his head and she would turn the page. After a minute of flipping through the book he stops, "that one." He barked.

She looks at the page and it reads 'Pokeweed' she reads the page and finds out it is a poisonous plant and All parts of the Pokeweed plant are toxic to humans. The highest amounts of poison are found in the roots, leaves, and stems. Small amounts are in the fruit.

She closes the book setting it down the leaning back in her chair she is looking off towards the wall deep in thought. Why was Kaya being poisoned? Who was poisoning her? Her Doctor? Buchi? Sham?

She was think of all the possibilities that was happening, Kaya was a sweet girl so why would someone want to poison her?........ Or-

"Junko?" Nami interrupted her thoughts and Junko looks to her.

"Nami? What are you doing here?" She asked her softly.

"Um, just returning some stuff." Nami said a little awkwardly.

"Returning stuff you stole? Never heard that before." Junko's voice sounded amused 

"Yup, me too." Nami began to put the stuff she stole back.

Junko watched her for a second then she looked to the sleeping animals, Botan was being a bed for all the rest of the animals Okla was laying on him with his blanket and Ania was on top of them, the only ones who weren't sleep were Polly who was sitting on the top of her chair and Ren who was sitting at her feet.

"You want to grab a drink with me?" Junko suddenly suggested looking back to Nami who looks back at her with slight confusion. "Do you want to get a drink? I need something to clear my mind."

"Sure, why not." Nami was spectacular but agreed anyway.

Junko stood up and walked towards the door, she waited for Nami and opened the door. Of course Ren and Polly followed, and to Nami's and Junko's surprise Polly landed on Nami.

Nami gives a confused look towards Junko, and Junko grins, "She likes you."


As they enter the kitchen they see Luffy on the table passed out, they run over to him.

"Luffy!" Nami says smacking him lightly.

As Nami shakes and taps Luffy Junko looks at the table and sees the soup eaten, her eyes widened and she looks at Luffy and his mouth has blue soup around it.

"Luffy, Oh no..." Junko mumbles.

There was a noise in the distance and Nami and Junko look at each other panicking. 

"Get his legs." Nami tells Junko and she does at she is told and try to lift him but they couldn't and the noise got closer.

"The cabinet" Junko whispers they decided to leave him on the table and got into the cabinet, Polly goes up to the chandelier and Ren hides with them.

Sham, Buchi and Klahadore entered the kitchen and see him.

"What's he doing here?!" Sham exclaimed looking angrily towards Buchi, they walked closer to Luffy, "what wrong with him?"

"Looks like he couldn't get enough of my latest recipe." Buchi said smugly. "I was chasing that perfect balance of sweet and savory, just wish I could've asked him how it tasted." Buchi inspects Luffy closely.

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