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Everyone was ushering through the secret passageway, Botan struggled getting in.

"I don't think I can get through" Botan whisper yells out to Junko.

She let the her animals friends past by she and she walked back to Botan, "Stand on your back paws." He did as she said and stood on his back paws and shuffling down the passageway. She turns and walks down as well.

"Where are we going?" Nami whispers.

"Another crank can open the shutters. In my parent's room in the east wing." Kaya tells us.

"Are you sure? Maybe there's another way." Usopp says.

"This is the only way. We have to.." Kaya was cut off by her coughing.

"There you are, Miss Kaya." Kuro says as he stabs the wall and nicks Kaya's arm. "ITS TIME TO CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY!!" 

"That's not creepy at all, RUN!" Botan yells and as he yells run so does Junko, and everyone bolts.


The all enter Kaya's parent's room and close the door behind them, (after Botan struggles to get out), "Oh, Um, Ok, Big scary creepy room. No problem." Usopp says totally not scared.

Kaya walks over to a switch and flips it up and the lights flickered on. Usopp jumps and shudders with a slight squeal, making everyone look at him. "It was a spider." He told us.

Kaya stands between Junko and Botan, "We treated him like family." She begins to tear up, "How did I not see it? How did I not see him?" She tears up more and Botan stands on his back paws and brings her into a hug. 

Kaya gets a little awkward as she was being hugged by a polar bear. Botan pats her head and lets go of her and goes back to all fours.

Nami walked over to Kaya holding her shoulders gently , "It's not your fault. He took advantage of you. Now, I need you to be strong so we can get out of here." Nami told her.

Okla walks over to Kaya and Nami notices and puts her arms down and lets him get to her, he gives her his blanket she takes it gently, and says something by Kaya didn't understand so she looks at Junko. 

"He said 'it's okay to be scared and I'm always scared but being scared is just a reason to try harder so..." She paused and looks to Okla and smiles. "If I be brave will you be brave"

Kaya smiles sadly, "But what would they think, They'd be so disappointed." She says walking over to a painting we all follow and pulls a cloth off of it and it reveals her parents.

"No, they would want you to survive, Kaya" Junko says putting a hand on her shoulder.

"And that's exactly what we're going to do." Nami reassures.

Kaya nods and opens up the painting and reveals the crank. The four humans grab the crank, "Pull!" Junko yells, they all try to pull the crank with all there strength.

"God, this thing needs some oil" Usopp complains.

"No, just needs some.." Nami grunts, "elbow grease" They all pull harder.

"Okla, Botan, Help!" Junko told the Polar bear and Gorilla, and they immediately obeyed.

As they all pull they hear Kuro call out, "Kaya" we all look at the door frightened, "Oh Miss Kaya, it sounds like we have a bigger rat problem than I thought." 

Nami and Kaya hide under the desk with a cloth on top and Usopp his under a cloth of a lap shade, Junko and the animals hides by the door but its somewhere where Kuro can't 

 "Maybe we need a cat in the house?", He bursts through the door, "Now, Now, Kaya I know your in here, Come out. There's no point in hiding who we are anymore." He 

Before he turns anywhere and he can see her and the animals, they slowly walk to the door and walk out as soon as she and the animals where out, they put their backs to the wall by the door. Not leaving the three but staying so nothing can happen. She looks in the room with her back still against a wall.

"Isn't it exhausting putting on airs! Pretending we're better than we are?!" Kuro grunts as he stabs a chair.

"You've had every opportunity the world has to offer. What have you done with your life?!" 

A statue falls to the ground as he pushed it breaking it in half, "Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! You are a pathetic, spoiled, little brat!!"

Junko clenched her jaw as she was forced to hear untrue things about her closest friend.He stabs the desk Nami and Kaya were hiding under. 

He's eyes land on Usopp's outline underneath the cloth to the lamp, "Oh, come now, Kaya. Let's not make this more difficult then it needs to be, hmm? Just consider his as payback for all those years listening to you incessant whining!"

Kuro makes his voice a little higher " 'Klahadore the soups to hot' 'Bring me my blankly, Klahadore.' 'Make my tea, brush my hair!'" He breaks a mirror.

"Oh Klahadore," he pretends to shake with sadness, "'I miss my mommy and daddy'" 

"When all I wanted to do was rip your throat out!!" He raised his voice.

Junko clenched her fists and as she did, she noticed she was holding someone's hand, she turns to look who it was.

"Luffy?"  She whispers. He brings his finger to his lips tell her to be quiet.

"Go help Zoro." He tells her whispering.

"What but-" 

"Go, I don't want you hurt by him" Luffy said mentioning Kuro.

She nods and they let each other's hands go her mind goes crazy and tell her to hold his hand again but she doesn't listen she then leaves taking the animals with her. Normally she would fight back but it just something about him that tells her they'll be ok.


Hey Flowers! 💐 Here's the next chapter it's a little shorter then the other one but I thought if I need more chapters so yeah.

And Junko is starting to fallll *insert singy song voice* AHHHHH

~See you in the next chapter.

Bye Flowers! 💐 

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⏰ Last updated: 7 hours ago ⏰

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