🌑Under the Blood Moon🌑

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The Hunt Begins
The dense forest was bathed in a dim red glow from the rising Blood Moon. Kim Taehyung, an omega werewolf, sprinted between trees, his breath hitching from the ache in his ribs. He could hear their howls behind him—hunters. Not the kind with guns, but wolves from rival packs hunting him for sport. Omegas were the lowest rank, an easy target.

Alone, injured, and exhausted, Taehyung didn’t expect to survive. But his instincts told him to keep moving. The Blood Moon stirred every werewolf’s power, amplifying speed and strength. Yet it also heightened danger—and fear.

Suddenly, a dark shadow cut through the moonlight, landing silently ahead of him. Jeon Jungkook. A true-blood alpha—one of the rarest wolves, born from pure ancestry with unmatched power. Taehyung skidded to a halt, heart pounding.

Jungkook’s glowing silver eyes locked on Taehyung, and his voice, low and commanding, sent a chill down Taehyung’s spine.
"Why are they after you?"

Before Taehyung could answer, the howls of the hunters grew louder. Jungkook’s gaze flicked to the tree line, then back to the omega. "Stay behind me if you want to live."

Fangs and Fury
The rival wolves emerged from the shadows—five of them, all snarling, their eyes glowing with Blood Moon rage. They didn’t flinch at the sight of Jungkook, despite knowing the power an alpha like him wielded.

"Step aside, Jungkook," one growled. "This doesn’t concern you."

Jungkook's lips curled into a dangerous smirk. "You made it my concern when you hunted him."

Before anyone could move, Jungkook launched himself at the nearest wolf, transforming mid-air. His black fur gleamed in the moonlight as his massive form crashed into the hunter. Taehyung could only watch, stunned. Jungkook fought with terrifying precision, claws slicing through fur and muscle.

A hunter lunged at Taehyung, but instincts kicked in. He shifted into his wolf form—slender and fast. Just as the attacker pounced, Taehyung ducked and sank his fangs into the hunter’s leg, tearing flesh.

Jungkook ended the fight as quickly as it began. The remaining hunters, realizing they stood no chance, retreated into the woods, their howls fading into the night.

Jungkook shifted back into his human form, panting slightly, his dark hair falling over his eyes. "You're stronger than you look," he said with a smirk.

Taehyung, still catching his breath, shifted back as well. "I had no choice."

Danger Draws Them Closer
The adrenaline ebbed, leaving both of them standing in silence beneath the Blood Moon. Taehyung eyed Jungkook cautiously. "Why did you help me?"

Jungkook shrugged, but there was a glimmer of something softer in his silver eyes. "Because you didn’t deserve to die tonight."

They made their way through the forest together. Jungkook offered his jacket when he noticed Taehyung shivering, and for the first time in a long while, Taehyung felt a flicker of safety.

As they walked, Taehyung learned that Jungkook wasn’t just a wandering alpha—he was the heir to the most powerful pack in the region. But Jungkook didn’t care for politics. He lived for freedom, for the thrill of the hunt. And yet, something about Taehyung had pulled him into this fight.

"We’re not supposed to cross paths," Taehyung whispered, glancing up at the towering alpha beside him. "Alphas like you... and omegas like me."

Jungkook stopped, turning to face him. "Says who?"

Their gazes locked, and for a heartbeat, the world seemed to stand still. The danger, the hunters, even the Blood Moon—they all faded into the background. All that remained was the electric pull between them.

Then, without warning, Jungkook closed the distance between them. His hand brushed Taehyung’s jaw, tilting his face up. "We’re under the same moon, aren’t we?"

Taehyung's heart thundered in his chest. He knew the consequences of this—of letting himself fall for someone so far out of his league. But with Jungkook standing this close, with his warmth and the scent of pine and rain wrapping around him, Taehyung found himself giving in.

A Fight Worth Living For
Just as their lips brushed, a deafening howl pierced the air. Taehyung and Jungkook snapped to attention. The hunters had returned—only now, they weren’t alone. A massive alpha, the leader of the rival pack, emerged from the shadows.

"So this is how it ends," the alpha sneered. "A true-blood, disgraced by an omega."

Jungkook’s eyes burned with fury, his muscles tensing. But this time, Taehyung didn’t back down either. "We fight together," Taehyung whispered.

Jungkook grinned. "I wouldn’t have it any other way."

The battle was fierce. The rival alpha was powerful, but Taehyung and Jungkook fought as one—each movement synchronized, their bond deepening with every strike. Taehyung’s speed complemented Jungkook’s raw strength, and soon, they gained the upper hand.

With a final, bone-shattering blow, Jungkook pinned the rival alpha to the ground, claws at his throat. "Leave," Jungkook growled, his voice low and lethal. "If you ever come near him again, I’ll end you."

The rival alpha slunk away, defeated.

A New Beginning
As the first light of dawn crept through the forest, Jungkook and Taehyung stood side by side, bloodied but victorious. The danger had passed, but something far more powerful remained between them—an unbreakable connection forged in the heart of battle.

Jungkook turned to Taehyung, brushing a stray lock of hair from his face. "You’re not just an omega to me."

"And you’re not just a true-blood alpha," Taehyung whispered back, a soft smile curling his lips.

The Blood Moon may have brought them danger, but it also gave them something far more precious—each other. And as they stood under the fading glow of the moon, they knew that whatever came next, they would face it together.

For love born under the Blood Moon was a love worth fighting for.


The End.💜💚

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