The Story of Us.

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I always loved rain more than sunshine.

I enjoyed nights over days.

More than anything, I liked the hazier and darker moments in life. Not because I felt darkness inside of me but because there was something so beautiful about the greyscale parts of the world. There was beauty in anything if you chose to search for it. 

Rune bumped into my arm. "Would you use those two things we call legs and walk? Mom forced me to help you move into your dorm. The least you could do is stop looking at your dorm building like you can't believe you're here."

I smiled. "Forever the brooding brother I know and love. Hey, maybe you can find someone to occupy your time?"

"Disgusting. Fuck no."

I snorted at his allergy to commitment and started carrying boxes into my dorm with the help of my brother. I was finally starting college, and my life only had an uphill climb from here. I was excited to get started on my future, and whatever that looked like for me, I'd follow it.

Apparently, someone was looking out for me. I asked profusely inside of my head for someone to change my entire life. I never expected I'd meet him so soon after asking. When I walked out of my dorm building, I saw a boy standing next to the building with a phone in his hand. I angled my head, taking steps toward the grass to clear the pathway for students moving into the dorms.

I wasn't sure what drew my attention to him. On any other day, I wouldn't observe someone, but something about him made me stop short. It didn't have to do with his appearance, but I felt drawn to him. For some reason, I hated the way his brows were pulled together as he stared down at his phone. He looked upset. 

And while I didn't like it when others were upset, it was different. It was strange. I had no idea who he was. 

He pushed his dark hair out of his face, shaking his head as he started running his thumbs along the keyboard of his phone. His expression only grew more grim than it was before. It was like, in comparison right now, I was the sun, and he was the moon. Darkness versus the light.

When I saw he was waiting to respond to whoever was on the other end of his phone, I decided to be brave and approach him. He felt my presence, or maybe he heard me walking over the grass, and he picked his head up. I stopped in front of him, smiling brightly in the same way that freaked out my polar opposite brother.

One of his brows went up as he studied me closely, but he didn't say anything. When our gazes connected fully, his eyes widened a fraction. I had heterochromia, which meant my eyes were green, but in my left eye, I had a significant amount of blue swirling around. His eyes were flickering from side to side as he studied every detail of my eyes.

I decided that someone should say something, so I did. "I'm sorry, you looked a little upset. I wanted to come over here and introduce myself and maybe see if there was anything I could do to make you feel better. I'm Miles Vader, by the way."

He was quiet, and I could tell that from his demeanor entirely. He took a step closer, and I had to tilt my head back to keep his attention on me. As he grew closer, I felt this overwhelming sense of... comfort. That was insane, considering I had no fucking idea who he was. I didn't even know his name. But he was calm. Quiet. Comforting.

I wondered if he felt the same I did considering he was inching closer to me, and I just knew he wasn't a threat of any kind. 

I stumbled over my words, feeling my cheeks grow hot. "Your name?"

The quiet boy continued to study my face--more specifically, my eyes. But then he spoke his name, and suddenly, I wanted to know everything about him. "Atlas Star."

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