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The flickering lights overhead sputtered in the abandoned factory, casting jagged shadows across the cracked concrete floor. Rusted machines loomed in the dark corners, like ancient creatures forgotten by time. A stale, metallic odor lingered in the air. Seungcheol stood at the front, his flashlight beam slicing through the gloom, senses sharp. They'd tracked this operation for weeks—now the weight of the moment sat heavy on all of them.

"Someone's been buying enchanted containment crates," Wonwoo said, his voice flat and analytical, as he crouched near one of the boxes. His black gloves traced over the carved symbols along the edges. "These are custom-made for holding supernatural beings. No hunter would bother with something this... extravagant."

Jun looked around, his flashlight revealing the engraved runes in vivid detail. "Extravagant? Try psychotic. This isn't just about containment—it's about ownership."

Hansol yawned dramatically, rubbing his eyes. "Man, this sounds like some Bond villain stuff."

Seungcheol shot him a glare sharp enough to silence any further commentary. "Focus." His tone was low, dangerous. "We need evidence."

Seungkwan crouched near a stack of crates along the wall, running his flashlight over the reinforced metal. He muttered under his breath, "These aren't just storage containers... They're cages. Strong enough to hold vampires, witches, maybe even shapeshifters." His voice lowered with concern as he glanced back at the others. "This isn't a hunter. Someone with serious power—and a whole lot of money—is behind this."

Wonwoo stood, shining his light deeper into the factory's shadows. "They're using proxies to stay off the grid, but I tracked a pattern—high-level purchases, all through black-market channels. No name, no face."

Hansol drummed his fingers on a rusty surface, his flashlight beam unsteady. "So, what are we looking at? Rogue sorcerer? Crime syndicate?"

"No," Seungcheol said sharply, turning to face the group. "This isn't about magic or crime—it's about control. These creatures aren't just being contained. They're being displayed."

Seokmin's stomach churned as he swung his light toward the rows of cages. "A collector," he whispered, voice heavy with disgust.

Seungcheol clenched his jaw, anger bubbling beneath the surface. "We've dealt with rogue hunters, witches dabbling in dark magic... but this?" He exhaled sharply, frustration biting at every word. "This is a trophy room."

Wonwoo's flashlight hovered over the crates as his voice dropped ominously. "The latest purchase involved vampires." He exchanged a grim look with Seungcheol. "We know who they're targeting next."

The implication settled over them like a storm cloud, suffocating and inescapable.

Seokmin shifted uneasily, his hand slipping into his pocket. He pulled out his phone under the table, heart pounding as he typed:
It's urgent. We need to talk.
He hit send, fingers trembling slightly.

At the far end of the factory, Seungcheol motioned for silence. With a nod, he pushed the heavy steel door open, its creak echoing through the space. The smell of decay hit them first. Then, the horrifying sight—rows of crates lined the walls, filled with creatures. Their eyes gleamed from within, wide with fear and exhaustion.

Wonwoo snapped a quick picture, fingers steady despite the nausea rising in his throat.

Then—movement. A shadow lunged from the corner, slamming into Seungkwan and Jun who went flying into a stack of crates. The sound of crashing metal and groaning wood filled the air.

"Seungkwan!" Seungcheol barked, rushing forward. "Jun !"

The attacker, cloaked in black, swung a weapon wildly, forcing them into a chaotic scramble. Flashlight beams darted in every direction, catching glimpses of claws and glowing eyes from the crates as the creatures stirred in their confinement.

LOVE BITES -JeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now