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The moon hung high, casting a silver glow over the city streets. The night was still, except for the faint rustling of leaves and the occasional distant siren. It was a night that Jeonghan would typically enjoy—a peaceful evening, perfect for a leisurely stroll. But tonight? Tonight was different.

He knew he was being hunted.

Leaning against the shadow of a brick building, he ran a hand through his silky hair, his lips curling into a smirk. The air crackled with anticipation, and he could sense his hunter nearby. He had made it too easy, he supposed, lingering longer than usual, almost daring his pursuer to make a move.

And his pursuer—Seungcheol—didn't disappoint.

"Still playing games, vampire?" a deep voice drawled from behind.

Jeonghan chuckled, not turning around yet. "Oh, Seungcheol. Don't flatter yourself. If I were really playing, you wouldn't be able to keep up."

Seungcheol stepped out of the shadows, his muscular frame exuding authority. Dressed in his signature dark jacket, crossbow slung casually over his shoulder, he was the very image of a hunter ready to strike. But something about the way his eyes lingered on Jeonghan's form gave away that this chase had been more than just business for a long time.

"You're too cocky for someone whose kind is on the endangered species list," Seungcheol said with a smug grin. He began circling Jeonghan, his eyes never leaving him, like a predator toying with its prey.

Jeonghan tilted his head slightly, his smirk growing. "Careful, darling. Cockiness is a trait we share."

"Don't call me that," Seungcheol warned, though his tone lacked any real threat.

"But you love it when I do."

Seungcheol's jaw tightened, his hand flexing around his crossbow. He hated how easily Jeonghan got under his skin. And the worst part? Jeonghan knew it too. The vampire's piercing eyes were locked on him, reading every subtle twitch, every unspoken word. He had always been impossible to rattle.

Jeonghan took a slow step toward Seungcheol, the moonlight highlighting the sharp angles of his face, the curve of his lips. "Tell me, Seungcheol... how long are we going to keep doing this? You chasing me. Me evading you. Isn't it getting a little old?"

Seungcheol snorted. "It'll end when I finally put a stake through your heart."

Jeonghan's laughter was rich, echoing off the alley walls. "You? Kill me? Oh, sweetheart, you've had a hundred chances by now. If you were really going to do it, you would've."

There it was again—that teasing lilt in his voice, the way his words danced between provocation and flirtation. Seungcheol hated it. No, he didn't. He hated that he didn't hate it.

In one swift motion, Seungcheol lunged forward, pinning Jeonghan against the wall, his forearm pressing against the vampire's throat. Jeonghan barely flinched, his smirk only widening as he looked up at the hunter. The tension between them was electric.

"Do it then," Jeonghan whispered, voice low and inviting. "Stake me, Seungcheol."

Seungcheol's grip tightened, his face inches from Jeonghan's. The hunter's breath came out in short, controlled bursts, but his pulse was anything but calm. He could feel the warmth of Jeonghan's body against his, the scent of him—something sweet and dangerously intoxicating—clouding his judgment.

"I should," Seungcheol growled, though his hand didn't move toward the stake holstered at his side.

Jeonghan's lips barely brushed against Seungcheol's ear as he whispered, "But you won't."

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