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"Hannieee hyung.."



"Ya! It's hyung to you, brat." Jeonghan yanked off his eye mask and propped himself up in bed, glaring at Chan, who had conveniently plopped his upper body onto Jeonghan's mattress like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Why do you pretend to sleep? Vampires don't need to sleep."

"Just because we don't need to doesn't mean I don't want to. We can sleep if we're exhausted," Jeonghan replied, raising an eyebrow at Chan, who looked about as innocent as a puppy."Which you never do. Why don't you get exhausted?"

Instead of answering Chan blinked at him with those round, eager eyes that could melt glaciers.

"What do you want, Chan?"

"I'm hungry."

Jeonghan rolled his eyes, the kind of dramatic roll that could win awards. "Go eat. There's leftover rice."

"Nooooo, hyung! I want to feed."

Ah, yes. The infamous fledgling hunger. Chan, being a new vampire, had an insatiable thirst for blood—he was practically a vampire vacuum.

"I want yours," Chan added, with the same determination a toddler shows when demanding candy.

Jeonghan sighed, rubbing his temples. He was technically the one who turned Chan, so it came with the territory. As a fledgling, Chan had to drink Jeonghan's blood at least a couple of times a week.

"Fine." Jeonghan groaned, rolling up his sleeve and offering his hand. "Remember, a few drops is sufficient. Not more than a few."

Chan nodded vigorously and latched onto Jeonghan's wrist like it was a lifeline. Jeonghan winced but let him drink a bit longer than he intended. Eventually, he pushed Chan's head away.

"Is Joshua around?"

"Only Jihoon hyung is here."

"JIHOOOON!!" Jeonghan bellowed, and Jihoon came sprinting into the room, looking mildly annoyed.

"I'm not your servant, and you're not a prince," Jihoon huffed, arms crossed.

"Yeah, whatever. Can you take Chan to your usual spot and find him someone to feed on?"

Jihoon rolled his eyes but nodded, signaling to Chan. "C'mon, let's go. I was getting hungry too."

"So no one wants to eat the rice I made?" Jeonghan scoffed, crossing his arms dramatically.

Jihoon shot him the middle finger as he walked out, and Jeonghan just shook his head, a small smirk creeping onto his face.


The alley was just how Jihoon liked it—quiet, dim, and far from prying eyes. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, watching Chan feed on some unfortunate human slumped by the dumpster. It was kind of like watching a puppy learn how to eat properly, if that puppy had fangs and a never-ending thirst for blood.

"Make it quick, Chan. I've got better things to do than babysit you," Jihoon muttered, tapping his foot impatiently.

Right on cue, the unmistakable sound of footsteps echoed down the alley. Jihoon sighed, already dreading what was coming next. Sure enough, a guy in a hoodie stumbled into view, his expression shifting from confusion to sheer disbelief the second he laid eyes on Chan, who was still latched onto his victim's neck.

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