I - Moving

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Chapter 1 – M o v i n g ♥

"Please tell me what I heard is not true. Please tell me you're kidding Mom." I muttered, pleadingly.

"I'm sorry honey but I'm not. You're Dad got a promotion and we have to leave next week to show him some support. You know how much he misses us when he's at Canada and working, right?" Mom said in a voice that only showed that she felt whatever that I was feeling; which was remorse.

"Yeah, but how 'bout school? I'm just a few months away from graduating why can't it wait just until graduation? I'm sure Dad will work something out, I'll call him." Without hearing my mother's response, I stood up and dashed towards the counter where I left my phone. I quickly dialed my Dad's number and waited for him to answer my call. It took three rings before he answered.

"Hey what's up sweetie?" My Dad asked in rushed voice like he was rushing to finish this conversation.

"Hey Dad, um. I was wondering if you could give me—" He didn't let me finish, cutting me off quickly because he thinks he knows what I was asking of him.

"Honey if you needed money you can go ask your Mommy okay? If she doesn't give you any just tell her we'll kick her ass when I get home. Alright? Daddy's very busy right now. See you later. Loveya." He ended the call, not even letting me say anything back like 'I love you too'. Well, I guess I have to wait three more hours until he gets home, it's a little past 5pm as of now. I tucked my phone inside the pocket of my jean short and sighed heavily. I stayed at the counter for a few more minutes trying to understand the situation. I probably look like a deranged baboon staring at a can of tuna. I was there lost in my thoughts until my senses came back to me and I prepared to leave.

As I was about to turn around, a loud, booming noise came from behind me making me scream a hundred decibel and jump a mile high. I immediately turned around and placed my hand on my beating heart. It was beating so hard I was afraid it would fall off into my ass.

"Blu! Stop fucking creeping up on me like that!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I gripped the granite tile harder somehow help me calm down. Blu is my twin brother, who's an idiot. He was probably expecting my outburst like that because he was covering both of his ears and laughing on the floor.

"Y-your reactions are so priceless." He said through a fit of laughter. Catching up on his breath, he began to stand up looking at me tentatively, as if making sure I calmed down. Which I was not, I'm still fuming inside, rage boiling through. I gave him a tight smile, as if to tell him I'm okay. He smiled back and slowly removed his fingers that are covering his ears. I used that as an advantage as he was starting to put his guard down. Well brother, you are damn wrong.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He stated looking at me weirdly. Time for revenge.

"Oh nothing." I slowly walked towards him to get as close to him as possible. I also noticed the air horn that he used and kicked it to the side with so much hatred." Maybe IT'S BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT MY HEART ALMOST BURST OUT OFF MY CHEST BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID AIRHORN AND YOUR STUPID FUCKING PRANKS!" I shouted every word with all the energy I could get. You know that kind of scream when you are about to reach the end of the sentence your voice starts cracking up? Yeah. That's it. I took calming breaths and swallow my spit as fast as I could to moisten my throat. I took a look at him; he was now slouched on the counter massaging his temples and groaning. That's what you get. Knowing this was a prank he pulled on me for his YouTube Channel, I started looking for the camera. Noticing a black object sitting neatly on the counter, covered in paper towels, and a small orange light illuminating the towels, I guessed that was his Nikon DSLR. I walked towards it while fixing my hair. When I came close to it I shouted yet again, earning another groan and a glare from Blu.

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