V - Squad ♥

21 7 1

C h a p t e r   5 ♥

I had four subjects in the morning before lunch. I was more than happy to spend it with Blu. The four subjects I had in the morning was painfully spent. Basically, Mr. Toothpick and his gang had the same schedule as I do. It was the most shocking and disturbing news I had to hear.

After our little feud, his friends chatted with me, they said for a female like me, 'I have balls' to crush his ego, or his manhood. They were a little rowdy after that. They were the ones who gave Mr. Chaseman, or Alex Royce, his very cute new nickname. I soon found out his name when one of his friends, he introduced his name as Tim, announced the new nickname they came up with. It was Tutti. Goshdarn, it never fails to make me giggle.

"Ayo Tutti, wanna remove this piece meat that got stuck in my teeth!" One of our classmate yelled, making the whole classroom crack up. Oh I definitely had the loudest laugh in there. I didn't expect this kind of reaction from them, I was expecting for them to gang up on me and make me suffer, but I certainly did not expect that they would team up with me amd make fun of the bad boy. I'm loving this school already.

Lunch came strolling in, I'm really excited to see Blu. I can't wait to tell him what just happened. I made my way towards the cafeteria but stopped at the doors and dialed Blu's number to ask him where he was but he was not picking it up. It was then I started to worry. What if he got swarmed by his fan girls? What if he was stabbed by an obsessed fan? Holy shit. I dialed his number for the seventh time but it still goes straight to voicemail.

I stood by the door that leads to the cafeteria still waiting for Blu to text me or call me. I don't know where I'll go if he's not here. A small ping came from my phone indicating a message. It was from Blu, guess what it said?

Come on, guess.

Wrong. It was a blank message. It got nothing on it. No dots, no commas, nothing. Maybe a space but still nothing. Damn this boy. Well, I guess I'll be eating lunch alone. Blu will definitely get an earful from me when I get home. I held my phone tightly and pushed the cafeteria doors open. I went in and went straight to the serving area. My eyes roamed around the cafeteria looking for an empty spot but there was none. My car is always available to eat inside tho so I don't need to worry. I purchased a ham and cheese burger with diet coke. I looked for an empty spot again but still none. Grabbing the food I bought, I left the tray on top of the garbage can and headed towards the door.

"Hey! New girl!" Someone shouted. I didn't think it was me because there can be another girl who entered this school as late as I did, so I continued walking. I was about to reach the door handles when a hand beat me to it and grabbed my arm. I turned to look who it was, it was a guy that's taller than a Skyscraper, he was a lean mean sex machi-- What the hell am I saying? He was good looking as well, he can make any girl fall on their knees begging for his attention.

Is there anyone in this school that looks just like me? Ugly as fuck.

His hand slid from my arm to my hand and tugged it.

"Hi, my name is William Jones, quarterback of the football team. It looks like you don't have a table to sit on, why don't you sit with us?" He looked back at their table, I looked at them too. The people sitting there were wearing varsity jackets and ladies had too much make up on. My eyes roamed their table, there are at least five tables joined together in order for them to fit in. I suddenly felt bad for the janitor. Guess who I saw tho, it was Blu. He was sitting there laughing with the jocks. I did expect it tho, Blu is insanely famous and gorgeous too so no doubt he'll hang out with the jocks and cheerleaders.

I wonder what Blu will say when he sees me, I'm angry at him and he knows that. He knows that I don't like it when people don't answer my calls. And he knows that he fueled up my anger when he replied with a blank message.

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