VI - More Detention ♥

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I've never had detention in my life. I struggled to perform well in my classes at my old school. I strived to be the perfect student there is.

I don't know what to do in detention, should I say hi to my fellow detainees? Should I bring food? Am I going to introduce myself? Damn it! Gripping my detention slip, I walked back towards the room where we'll be detained. Random thoughts scattered all over my brain while walking. But, there's this certain feeling inside me that made me feel excited and happy that I get to try new things in life.

"Hey Red! Where are you going?" Someone shouted. I turned to look who it was and figured it was Lillian. She caught on to me and gave my arm a light squeeze.

"Detention." I showed her my detention slip. She smiled sympathetically.

"Aw, that's too bad. Why'd you get detention on your first day anyway?" Lillian laughed, latching her arms on mine and started walking. Maybe towards the room I'll be detained.

"Well, the boys got a little rowdy after I diss Alex's manhood and when Ms. Hearp asked who started it, they all pointed at me. Oh, and I definitely has the loudest laugh in there so I think Ms. Hearp didn't appreciate it too much." We stopped in front of the room, noticing it was the room I entered for my first subject in the morning.

"So here we are! Good luck on your first detention. See you tomorrow?" She chastised, I nodded. Lillian gave me a small hug and weaved her way out of the school. Lillian is such a nice person and I admire her for that.

I twisted the doorknob and gave it a small push for it to open. I was expecting a room full of students, but turns out there were only 8 students sitting there, including the supervisor. Tim, Paul, Tristan, Sven and Tutti were huddled in a circle talking about something. There was a girl, covered in dark clothes and dark make up, sitting at the far end corner of the room. At least there's a girl I can approach and talk to but I don't know how I can get her attention.

I quietly made my way towards the supervisor and hand him my detention slip. He nodded and pointed at the board. I followed his hand and looked at the board. Written there was a bunch of rules. No using of cellphones, you can't go out until the teacher said so, no talking and a few more. I made my way towards the seat near the Gothic girl when I heard someone whispering calling me.

"Pssssst! Here! Sit here!" Tim grinned, pointing at the seat beside him. I shook my head and gave him a soft smile.

"I'll stay here, thanks tho." Even if I wanted to sit there and have fun, I don't wanna risk it when there's a boy glaring at me so harshly. Who knows what that boy can do? His threat at the cafeteria still lingered in my mind. So I decided to take the seat next to gothic girl. I was looking at the floor when I took my seat, I was getting comfortable when I heard Tim whisper again. I turned to face him, slightly annoyed.

"Don't sit there." He mouthed, no sound came out of his mouth. When he saw confusion written on my face, we got into a game of charades. He pointed at gothic girl and made a move of slicing his throat horizontally then closes his eyes. What does he mean? I'll be dead just by sitting next to her? He opened his eyes again then looked at my side where the goth was seated and pointed at her violently. Even the boys were pointing at her with wide eyes. Tutti was just sitting there, looking bored.

True enough, when I swiveled around my chair to look at what the hell they were pointing at, I was greeted with a cold glare and super dark eyes.

"Move." She ordered. Her voice was demanding and deep actually, leaving no space for discussion. I also noticed she has a pierce on her nose, one on her right eyebrow and two on her lips. I bet there's a hundred in her tongue. This girl seriously went through dark phase while hitting puberty. When she noticed I wasn't moving, she glared harder. "Move now or I'll cut you." She threatened.

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