VII - Alex Royce

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C h a p t e r 7

Alex Royce's POV

Zzzzzzp zzzzzzzp.

I glared at my phone vibrating its ass out on the dining table. If the one texting me was Kelly Richards, I swear my head's gonna pop out. Shoving a spoonful of cereal in my mouth, I pressed the home button to check who the hell is texting me this early.

"Hey babe. I really miss you. Cant wait to see you at school. Laters. Xx." My head just popped. Kidding! I groaned and pressed my hands to my face then slowly sliding down. This girl is one psychotic bish. I told her that I don't like her, that I don't want to do anything with her. But this girl surely doesn't know her limits. She's been texting me all morning on how she feels so alone, that she wants me to go there and comfort her.

Hell no. I don't trust her. I better drown than to encounter girls like her again. She was real crazy, I tell you that. I told her many times that I'm not interested in her. Well, maybe if she confessed a little early or back in junior year she might have a chance with me. I like girls who are innocent and sweet, she was that girl before until she went with the wrong group of people.

Bzzzzzt. Bzzzzzt. I groaned again, opening the message.

"Hey were on our way." That was Tim. I let out a breath of relief.

Bzzzzt. Bzzzzt.

"Text me back?:(" Rolling my eyes, I deleted the message as soon as it came.

Bzzzzt. Bzzzzt. I didn't dare open the message, I bet if I read it, my day would be ruined completely.

Shoving a piece of toast in my mouth, I heard two honks from the outside. That was my cue to leave. I shouted 'goodbye' to Mom knowing she's in her office. Grabbing my keys, I dashed towards the garage, hopped in my car then backed out the driveway.

I noticed it was Tim's car following me. Hm, must be his turn for carpooling. The boys were carpooling ever since the start of Senior year, they were taking turns in using their cars. I didn't like the idea of carpooling simply because I hate sitting in the back. I mean, I would fight for the front seat but Paul tend to be aggressive. I don't want to risk it.

We drove towards the school, then arrived just in time the first bell rings. While walking towards our room which was English, I've been hearing about the new students and apparently, they are twins. Hm, nope I still don't care. Their presence will die down soon anyway.

We entered the room then started the lesson with Ms. Hearp, damn this teacher is nice but can be tight too. I get all my detentions from her to be honest. We were almost halfway into the lesson when the door opened, a blonde girl came in.

Great! Another blonde. I watched her walk up to Ms. Hearp, probably to hand her schedule. Her blonde hair was long and was cascading down covering her face giving a hint of suspense ti what she looks like.

Since I can't look at her face, my eyes traveled down to her body. She was wearing a jacket that every bad boy love, a leather one. I smirked, I can tell by her posture that she got a bad side, I bet her face is filled with black make up you know like the smokey eyes that girls love. She was also wearing a dress that stopped at her mid thigh and I can't help but notice how smooth and creamy her legs was.

Dang it. I can't wait for this girl to turn around. I have a feeling I know what she'll look like. Bad ass chick, with smokey eyes, red lips and a smirk. I was so focused on thinking what she looks like that I didn't notice she already turned around.

My eyes traveled up to her face, let's just say I wasn't expecting what I saw. This girl clearly have no make up on, maybe a few powder and a lip gloss. But I didn't expect her to have make up. She looks so innocent but has a twist of wittiness. She looks sweet but combined with bitterness and has a closed off personality; I can tell by the way she talks is very contradicting to her facial expression.

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