Story One: Together Forever

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March, 1993. Abby woke up that evening, with Owen by her side. She doesn't normally wake up earlier than him often, but sometimes she does. She looked over at Owen and smiled, seeing him sound asleep beside him. Even as a vampire like her, Owen still looked adorable...and peaceful sleeping. She squeezed onto him lightly, glad to be in his presence. That's when she realized something, looking at the calendar beside the bed. March 29th, 1993. It's been 10 years since they ran away together, 10 Years since they became together forever. Next year would make 10 years since Owen had been turned. She nuzzled Owen, which began to make him stirr awake. "Morning.." He whispered groggly. Abby rolled over on her stomach and kissed Owen lightly on the lips. "Morning my love..." Abby whispered. Owen smirked, Abby seemed a bit more lovey-dovey today. "What's with that..?" Owen asked. "Don't you know what day it is?" Abby asked, pointing to the calendar. Owen tiredly turned to look at the calendar, his eyes slowly widening noticing the date. "Huh, well would you look at that?" Owen considered. Abby scooted up closer to her lover and kissed him. They made out for a while before Abby let go. "We should do something today, to celebrate the occasion," Abby whispered. Owen nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but where should we go?" Owen asked. Abby rolled over, still keeping her eyes on Owen, seemingly thinking. "We can go over to the beach, usually there's bands over there. How does that sound?" Abby suggested. Owen nodded, but he looked a bit sheepish. "I don't need to go near the water do I?" Owen asked. Abby stared for a second before giggling. "No, we're not going near the water, don't worry. But... there is something I want to do afterward if you're up for it." Abby suggested. Owen tilted his head. "What is it?" Owen asked. Abby smiled, her eyes looking dark as her voice became a whisper. "Me. You. Bathtub." Abby ordered. Owen's face went red as he quickly nodded. "I'm up for it," Owen whispered. Abby grinned. "Great! Shall we get ready to go?" Abby asked. Owen nodded as he crawled out of bed, going to the drawer to grab some clothes.

The two walked down the sidewalk as they got closer and closer to the beach, Abby was filled with glee and excitement, but Owen seemed a bit nervous, smelling the salt of the sea. "You alright?" Abby asked. Owen sheepishly smiled. "A bit, just nervous about the water," Owen admitted. Abby giggled, holding Owen's hand. "Like I said, we don't need to go near the water, plus, they can't hurt you anymore, they're gone, remember?" Abby asked. Owen breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah, you're right, sorry." Owen apologized. Abby kissed his cheek. "Don't be, let's just have some fun tonight ok? Me and you."

The sun was nearly setting, casting a warm orange glow across the horizon as Abby and Owen made their way to the beach. A light breeze ruffled Owen's hair, and he held Abby's hand a little tighter, comforted by her presence. The distant sounds of waves crashing and a soft hum of music drifted through the air. The beach was already lively with activity, the sounds of a small band playing echoing through the evening air. As they neared the boardwalk, the music grew louder. There was a stage near the food stand, along with a bunch of tables. The Band sang as Abby and Owen sat at a bench on the boardwalk, watching as the band continued. Abby pulled Owen closer to the source of the sound, a smile playing on her lips. "See? Perfect," Abby said, glancing at Owen. "We can just enjoy the music, stay far away from the water." Owen nodded, but his eyes were still drawn to the ocean. Even in the fading light, the vastness of it made him uneasy. Abby, sensing his tension, leaned in and whispered, "I'll protect you, Owen. You don't have to be afraid of anything. Not anymore." Owen smiled, his anxiety waning, but he still looked at the ocean. But the longer he stared, he thought he saw a shape in the water. "Hey, do you see that?" Owen asked, pointing to the ocean. Abby stared a bit at the water, seeing dorsal plates rise out of the water. "..Probably somebody pulling a prank, don't worry about it ok?" Abby suggested. Owen smiled at her, his anxiety easing slightly. He wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her close. The band began to play a slow, romantic tune, and Abby's eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. "Dance with me," she whispered. Owen hesitated for a second, before just thinking. "Fuck it, we ball." Without a word, Owen took her hand, pulling her into a slow, swaying dance. As they moved to the rhythm, all of Owen's earlier worries seemed to melt away. It was just him and Abby, the music, and the glow of the setting sun. Nothing else mattered. Other People were dancing but some stopped and watched the two young lovers dance. Owen began to slow down a bit, feeling the eyes on him. "Hey..why are you slowing down?" Abby asked. "They're watching us.." Owen whispered. "Let them look.. Let them know we love each other." Abby replied. Owen didn't stop dancing as the music went on. Abby rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. "Ten years," she murmured softly. "It doesn't even feel that long." Owen kissed the top of her head. "Time flies when you're with someone you love," he whispered back. "I don't regret a single day." Abby smiled. "We're Together...Forever.." They danced in silence for a few more minutes, the world around them fading into the background. For Owen, there was no greater peace than being with Abby. She had saved him—given him a new life, and for that, he was eternally grateful.

But eventually, it all came to an end as the romantic music stopped, and the normal music came back on. But the Band was just finishing up preparing to leave the beach for the night. Abby looked at Owen, er eyes twinkling with mischief. "Ready for the next part of our celebration?" Owen stared for a bit, processing what Abby had just said before turning 3 different shades of red. "Y-Yes.." Owen stammered. Abby grinned. "Great, let's go."

Later that evening, Abby and Owen lay together in the warm tub, music playing on the radio nearby. They were just..there, lying with eachother in silence happy that they were together forever.

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