Story Two: All Mine

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September 21st, 1989. Owen is placing a jacket on before making his way to the front door, but Abby stops him. "Where you off to?" Abby asked. "Just going out, getting antsy being in here all day. Do you want to come?" Abby shook her head with a smile. "No thanks, I was just going to get something to eat anyway. I'll save some for you!" Abby exclaimed. Owen shook his head. "Don't worry, I'll probably find something out there. Have fun honey, see you in a bit!" He opened the door, but before he stepped out, Abby darted up to him, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Don't be long," Abby whispered. Owen nodded. "I won't.." Owen assured her.

Owen walked down the street of the town, no one really paid attention to him, he didn't live in Los Amos anymore, and its been years since he originally "went missing", since then, the police mostly stopped looking for him, so he's been safe. He enjoyed his new home in Silver City, they originally lived in Santa Fe for a few years, but after a bit, they had to flee to Silver City. Abby was hoping that at some point they could leave New Mexico entirely. It would be nice, after all, some people still remembered Owen. Even if he wore a mask some people recognized him. They didn't last long. But nowadays, no one really pays much attention to two kids walking a night by themselves. He could hear the music playing in the distance from shops nearby, the air was a bit cold, but he didn't mind. He didn't get cold after all, neither did Abby. But even being away from her for simply two minutes, he began to miss her. Missed her being around. She really changed his life, she took him away from his shitty, horrible old life, and now he was happy..truly happy. No one can hurt him. Not even his own mother.

"Samantha, ye been drinking here for a while. It ain't good for your health." The Bartender remarked. She slammed the bottle down, making a loud thud that startled the other patrons. "Don't tell me what to do...!" she shouted, her voice raw and angry. "Listen, it's better for you to leave tonight. You've been here since six!" he said, raising his voice. Samantha got angry and got up. "I FUCKING NEED THIS! I'M YOUR BEST GOD DAMN CUSTOMER! YOU'RE WORTHLESS WITHOUT ME!" Samantha shouted. The bar went silent, everyone's eyes locked on the scene. The bartender averted his gaze, speaking softly but firmly. "...Get out." The Bartender muttered. "What?" Samantha asked. "I said..GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BAR!" The Bartender shouted. Samantha stared, she looked like she was gonna cry, before she stormed towards the door, but not before muttering something. "God will send you to hell," she muttered. She walked out into the night, pissed. The Bartender chuckled. "Yeah, we'll see about that."

Samantha wandered the town, trying to find her car, but she couldn't find it, her bottle still in her hand. Everyone mostly avoided her, regarding her as the drunk religious nut who lost her kid in '83 and never got over it. Especially not with what she said in the paper about him, a lot of people despised her for it. She tried asking someone for help but no one bothered with her. But that's when she saw someone. Someone familiar. In the distance, in the crowd of people. It was him. Her son, Owen. He wasn't wearing the beanie but it was him, she could tell. He didn't look like he aged a day. "..Owen! Owen!" Samantha shouted. The boy glanced back, his eyes widening before quickly moving through the crowed. But Samantha wasn't gonna give up, she wasn't gonna lose him. She quickly pushed through the crowd, trying to follow the boy. "OWEN! OWEN! IT'S ME! COME TO MOMMY!" she shouted, but he kept running, he didn't look back. He ducked into a subway tunnel, but right before Samantha could follow him...boom. The entrance to the subway crumbled down, caving the entrance. She halted in place and roared in anger. "NO! NO!" She cried. But when she looked at the tunnel again...nothing was there, it's like the ceiling didn't cave in at all, perhaps it was the booze. But she didn't think about it right away, she ran down the subway just as a train was leaving. When she saw it leave, she saw him. The Boy, Owen on the train as it quickly sped down the tracks. "OWEN!!" Samantha shouted. On the train, Owen sighed in relief, sitting down, his nose bleeding slightly. He felt weak, but Abby had told him using Illusions takes a lot out of you, and to only use them when necessary. "...This could be a problem," Owen said to himself.

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