Chapter 1

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Rushing out the apartment door, Quinn couldn't believe she had slept in so much. It was 9:30 PM, and she was meant to be at the cafe by 8:30 PM. It wasn't her fault that her bed was so inviting and she ended up napping, but she knew she would get clowned for it.

Ignoring the elevator, she sprinted down the stairs, thanking the universe for having an apartment on the second floor. Coming into the lobby, she could only groan, seeing the downpour happening outside. Of course, she lacked an umbrella, which was stupid of her since it's England. England is notorious for their rainy weather. Everyone knew that.

Accepting her fate, she dashed out into the rain and tried her best to get to the cafe. Luckily, she only lived like 5 minutes away, which could be cut down to 2 minutes if she was fast enough.

Spotting the front door of the cafe, she sped up, which meant she wasn't prepared for the door to open and smack right in her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" A voice with an accent spoke. "Are you okay?"

Trying to shake off the pain and embarrassment, she gave a nod and avoided looking at the person.

"You sure?"

Realizing that the person probably wouldn't let it go without seeing that she was okay, she looked up and made eye contact with the figure, who happened to have alluring blueish-green eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sure." She said while breaking eye contact.

But that was a mistake because her sight fell onto his hand holding the door, which gave her the chance to see the tattoos filling up his arm. The most obvious one was a rope wrapped around his wrist. Or maybe it was the tic-tac-toe board. Either way, she quickly looked away.

"Well, I'm sorry once again." The male apologized before moving out of the way fully and holding the door open for her. "Here you go, love."

Looking up, she gave a small smile. "It's all good, and thank you."

With that, she made her way into the cafe and instantly wished to be back out in the rain when she saw her two friends watching. Talia was laughing and had a look on her face that just let Quinn know she was about to be teased to no end. While Chloe, at least, was giving her an 'I'm so sorry for what's to happen' look and wasn't laughing.

"Wow, that was so painful to watch," Talia began. "And I watched Annie reject Max twice in one day."

"Oh, shut up," Quinn lightly hit her shoulder. "Nothing was worse than having to watch that go down."

"Okay, true, but that was a close second."

"Leave her alone," Chloe stepped in. "She was clearly in a rush to get out of the rain and didn't pay attention."

Quinn nodded at that.

"Fine, but that brings me to the next question. Why were you so late?" Talia asked.

"I was napping and forgot to set an alarm."

"Really? That's it?" Talia asked again, seeming unhappy with such a lackluster answer.

It's too bad that Quinn really had no other reason.

"Yep, my bed looked inviting, and it was super comfortable, so."

Chloe giggled at that one. "I feel that one."

Talia sighed. "You both are so boring."

"Oh, well." Chloe shrugged before looking at the papers she had in front of her. "Boring is okay. Anyway, go back to your Tinder scrolling; I have to finish this assignment."

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