Hiding the Truth

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I looked at myself in the mirror. The slap had left a large red spot on my cheek up to my ear that still hurt when touched.

Michael had left to work after he tried to make sure I was okay. I just can't wait until this baby is born so I can stop suffering. I do believe Michael loves me, he just has a hard way of showing it.

We used to be the most corny couple I knew. 

From the chocolate candies and roses every morning to the candlelit dinner at night. I adored that phase.

I heard the phone ring and I picked it up.

"Hey Taylor. You still coming over, right?"

It was Yolanda. I was supposed to get together with her and the girls, but I wasn't really feeling it.

"Yolanda...my feet are swollen and I'm not really feeling up to it right now," I whined.

"That was the excuse last time. If you don't come we are coming to you," that was Jamie. They must all be at her house.

"Yeah, it's been a while since you've been out. We know you're taken, but you need some fun! Besides, your life is almost over when the baby come into the picture," this was Blaze.

I rolled my eyes, knowing they were right.

"I got plenty of stuff to do here! Michael left a huge mess downstairs," I claimed.

"HELL NAW! You finna get yo ass outta that kitchen and let Michael care for his damn self! Stop cleaning up after him!" Riley yelled through the phone.

"Yea, he treats you like a maid. He's taking advantage of you, truthfully," Yolanda said.

I sighed.

"We ain't givin you no choice. You got 1 hour to get in the shower and put on nice clothing or we are MARCHING OVER THERE. Starting now!" Riley said.

The phone call ended.

Truthfully, I don't know if Michael will like this. He will most likely be angry that I didn't ask him to go out. I have to ask to do everything, that's Rule # 2. He says no so often, it truthfully defeats the purpose of asking. 

I looked at myself in the mirror again. The slap mark scarily evident on my chocolate skin.

Know what, I could use a night out with the girls.

I stood up and went to my closet to find something to wear. I decided with a pink and blue dress and a blue jean jacket. For my shoes, I went with 4 inch brown wedges and gold jewelry.

Getting out of the shower, I saw that I needed something to cover my bruise. It was turning purple very quickly. Acting fast, I put on some concealer and blended it with a toner.

It looked fine within seconds.

For my hair, I put it up in a tight bun because I didn't want to be bothered with it. Walking out the house, I looked back at the mess in the kitchen.

I think I should at least clean that up.


I turned to see the girls in the truck. Yolanda's head popped out the side of the car.


Riley jumped out of the car in a cute long summer dress that was hot pink. Her skin tone went perfect with it, alongside the curls in her hair.

"Bitch, you look good!" She said walking over to me. I laughed softly and closed the door, leaving the mess there.

She hugged me, her perfume smelling good.

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