For The Love of Mickey

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I stood outside surrounded by cop cars and armed policemen. Fear, anger, and distress was overtaking my body, causing me to tremble.
Moments were flying through my head like bullets being fired and I could feel the world on my shoulders.

Michael is still inside with Mickey locked in our bedroom and here I am... I'm waiting outside with the police officers trying to come up with a game plan but I'm really just standing here waiting for them to take action...PRAYING that Mickey will be okay.

"Excuse me, the ambulance is here. Let's get you checked out," a police woman said. She escorted me to the back of the truck where I was addressed.

They wrapped up my leg and told me that I needed stitches. They then addressed every other cut I had and put bandages over them.

"Ma'am, we should get to the hospital,"

"No! I am not leaving! Give me a damn phone! I yelled. The people scrambled around and I was eventually handed a phone. I dialed Yolanda's number in a panic.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Michael has Mickey and he's threatening to kill him and things are all bad-"

"Oh my god, Taylor! YOURE BACK?!" She exclaimed. I frowned and decided to ask questions later.

"YOLANDA! I need you to call my brother and the girls. Michael is threatening to kill Mickey and there are police cars everywhere and I can't be here-"

"I'm on the way," she interrupted and hung up.

The nurses continued to address my injuries with concerns, but I shrugged them all off. All of the movement around me was putting me in panic mode. I stood up and shoved the away, stumbling over to officer Shannon.

"Excuse me, why aren't we doing something?" I asked her.

"Because the situation is critical. If we act he may kill your son," she explained.

"I'm going in there," I said.

"No you're not. You will be putting your life in danger and we can't allow that. Give your son something to come back to instead of the child care system," she responded. I sighed, losing hope.


"He seems to just be pacing the room. Mickey is crying but he hasn't done anything yet," she said.

Suddenly tires screeched and I turned to see a white sedan come to a halt. Yolanda and Jamie came running out with rollers in their hair and something green on their faces.

Yolanda's arms were thrown around my neck and pretty soon I was engulfed in hugs. Both of them threw questions at me faster than I could comprehend and I just stared at them in shock.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Jamie asked.

I sighed and went through the whole story again, tired of repeating myself. When I finished, hatred and anger was apparent in their eyes as they frowned at the house.

"Officer Shannon, we can have a team go in, but we need some type of distraction, otherwise the situation will be compromised," an officer said behind me.

"I'm going in," I said firmly.

"I told you that-"

"And I'm telling you that I'm going in," I said, cutting her off.

"Do you know the complications attract he'd with that?" She asked hastily.

"I know the damn complications just help me
Get my son," I said aggressively.

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