The Consequence

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Mikey is up there.😻 so cute. 🔝
I left the church feeling more alive than ever. The presence is just so powerful and rejuvenating, it's amazing. I've been going for a week now and I've honestly felt myself slowly moving on with my life.

I'm more so focusing on Mickey and Michael. Taking things a step at a time to make our relationship as it started out.


"Hey, you want some breakfast?" Jamie asked.

"Yea why not,"

We stopped at a McDonalds and I got something for Michael and I. Driving back home, Jamie and I talked about planning a trip to Las Vegas. I honestly just want to stay home with my family, Michel and I still need to work out some kinks. Of course the girls are insisting that I need a break.

We pulled up to my house and I got out of the car. I got Mickey out of the back seat and waved goodbye.

"Just tell me you'll think about it," Jamie insisted. I sighed and slammed the door shut.

"I will." I said and walked up to my front door. I unlocked it and waked in, my heels clicking against the marble floor. Setting the car seat on the counter, I looked at him lying there with his teddy.

Rick bought him a brown teddy bear on Tuesday and he has slept with it everyday. It seems to calm him down every time he has it. It's like magic.

I smiled to myself and pulled out my McGriddle. Munching on it, I took Michaels food in hand and walked over to the stairs. Going up, i heard a loud thump.

I stopped in my tracks and looked up the Hall.
I kicked off my heels and leaned forward a bit to hear for anything else.

"Don't do it," I heard through the walls.

Suddenly, glass shattered causing me to jump back.

"You bitch,"


I tip toed back down the stairs and into the kitchen. Rummaging through the drawers, I grabbed a pan and a pair of scissors. I put the pair of scissors in my skirt and held the pan.


I turned sound to see Mickey sound asleep and sighed. If this was going to be the end... He has to live. I grabbed him by his car seat and hurriedly put him in the pantry. Closing the door gently, I whispered a prayer and ran back up the stairs.

Approaching my door, I took off my blazer and took a deep breath

"Fight for Michael," I whispered to myself.

Soon enough my game face was on and I bursted through our door. Looking at the situation, my face dropped.

Ripped pillows and feathers were everywhere, picture frames lied in pieces, and something red was on the wall. In the middle of it all was the bed which harbored my loving husband Michael on top of someone other than me.


I saw the sheets moving rapidly but didn't stay in my spot long enough to watch. I ran over to the closet and Pulled out a belt.

She was not going to screw my man and get away with it.

I folded the belt and brought it down on her bare ass. She yelled in pain but I kept up with her as she ran around the room. She couldn't dodge the glass for any longer, so ended up running out of the room and down the stairs.

I chased her the entire way down and wacked her one more time before she ran out of the house. She was butt naked, just standing there in the front lawn.

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