Chapter 8

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Katniss' POV:

"So then we went and sat down under a tree, the tree that we almost kissed under a few weeks ago."

Right now I am telling the girls what had just occurred with Peeta and I. I don't really know why they want me to tell them because it isn't that important to them anyway.

"And then what happened?"

"Glimmer can you please just calm down I'm getting there."

She looks at me and nods subtly before I continue.

I tell them the whole story from when I sat on the swing to us kissing on Annie's front porch. The whole time the girls couldn't help but to let out tiny screams. I don't know why they get so excited about this stuff, but whatever floats their boat.

Right now all of the other girls have gone to get into there pyjamas so it's just me and Annie.

"Oh Katniss I'm so happy for you and Peeta."

I smile before replying, "Thank you Annie."

"So Annie how are things going with Finnick?"

"Well actually, very well." I start to notice the blush forming on her face. It always happens when I bring up Finnick.

"You really like him don't you?"

"I like him a lot, maybe even love him. He just makes me so happy and I feel so loved when I'm around him, he's protective but not to protective and he always puts my needs before his. But it's just not those things, I love everything about him. I don't care that he is a little messy it just makes me love him even more you know?"

"Yeah I do. I just wish that I had someone like that. Just someone to love and care about me that much and vice versa."

"You don't see it Katniss."

"See what?"

She looks at me, her green eyes piercing into me, "You do have it, it's right in front of you. Anyone can see how much you and Peeta love each other. You look at Peeta the way I look at Finnick and Peeta looks at you the way Finnick looks at me. It's love even if you can't see it yourself."

I nod subtly and look at her cream coloured carpet.

"You really think so?" I say as look back up to her again.

"I don't think so I know so." She says smiling.

She gives me a hug right as the other fours girls barge into the room.

Johanna looks at us suspiciously, "What's going on here?"

"Nothing that concerns you."

After a bit more begging from Johanna to tell her what we were talking about she finally gives up.

After we talk a bit more I grab my pyjamas while Annie's gets some from one of her draws. We walk across the hall into her bathroom to get changed.

"When is your date with Peeta again?"

"This Friday at 7pm."

"Where at?" It doesn't really bother me when Annie asks questions about things like this. She's really the only person I can open up to and talk about these things.

"That's the annoying part, I don't know. He wants it to be a surprise."

"It's not annoying, it's cute and romantic."

"But Annie I hate surprises." I say groaning.

"Well to bad, now get over it and be excited."

"I am excited I promise."

She lets out a soft laugh before picking up her clothes and putting them in the wash basket besides the sink. I pick up mine and carry them into Annie's room. I unzip my bag before placing my clothes into it. I zip it back up and go and sit back in Annie's bed.

I accidentally forgot a sleeping bag and a pillow so Annie is letting me sleep in her double bed with her.

We all get comfortable before watching a movie and playing a few games at about 4am we all decided we should get some sleep.

I grab my phone to see if I have any notifications. One, from Peeta.

I unlock my phone and read the message.

From Peeta 11:15pm
Goodnight beautiful sweet dreams. 😘

I smile and reply.

To Peeta 4:03am
Goodnight handsome 😘

I lock my phone and place it on the bedside table before falling into a peaceful slumber.


I'm not going to lie or anything. I haven't written any because I've been lazy and I have been working on another story. Sorry.

Anyway 5 comments for the next chapter!

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