❤️Love Knock Twice🚪

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In a quaint apartment complex in Seoul, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook live side by side. Taehyung, a free-spirited illustrator with an eclectic taste in fashion, often strolls around his apartment in silk robes, humming along to trot music. Meanwhile, Jungkook, a fitness trainer and part-time photographer, keeps to himself, spending most of his time working out or editing photos in his sleek, minimalistic apartment.

They’ve lived as neighbors for nearly six months, exchanging only polite nods and occasional “hello’s” in the hallway. But everything changes one stormy evening.


Taehyung is lounging on his couch, drawing in his sketchbook, when there’s a frantic knock at his door. Opening it, he’s surprised to see Jungkook—soaked to the bone, hair dripping, holding... a very wet kitten.

“This little guy was under my bike,” Jungkook explains breathlessly. “Do you know anything about cats?”

Taehyung’s heart swells at the sight of the shivering furball, and without hesitation, he ushers both Jungkook and the kitten inside. They dry the kitten together and improvise a bed with towels and a heating pad. As the storm rages outside, Jungkook offers to stay until the rain stops—and one shared bowl of ramen later, the two are laughing over the weird quirks of their neighbors, as if they’ve been friends forever.

Taehyung notices how Jungkook’s serious demeanor melts away when he smiles, and Jungkook finds himself drawn to Taehyung’s unpredictable charm.

But before the moment lingers too long, Jungkook stands awkwardly, bowing slightly. “Thanks for the help. I should probably go.”

And with that, he’s gone, leaving behind the kitten—and a strange flutter in Taehyung’s chest.


The following week, Taehyung and Jungkook fall into a new routine. They take turns feeding the kitten, whom Taehyung affectionately names "Bam." The two men exchange texts about Bam’s antics, share small conversations in the hall, and sometimes spend lazy Sunday mornings together, sipping coffee in Taehyung’s cluttered apartment.

It’s easy. Comfortable. But there’s an underlying tension neither of them addresses. Until one fateful evening.

Jungkook is hosting a small gathering with some gym friends, and the walls between their apartments are thin. Taehyung can’t focus on his work with the sound of Jungkook’s laughter filling the air. Annoyed—and maybe a little jealous—he stomps over and knocks on Jungkook’s door.

When Jungkook opens it, the noise from inside spills into the hallway, but Taehyung barely notices. He can only focus on Jungkook, who stands there looking too handsome for his own good, wearing that same easy smile that’s been haunting his thoughts for days.

“You’re too loud,” Taehyung says flatly.

“Sorry, we’ll keep it down,” Jungkook replies, looking sheepish. “Do you... want to join us?”

Taehyung doesn’t answer. Instead, he mutters, “No, I just wanted to see you.”

Jungkook blinks, surprised, but before he can respond, Taehyung turns on his heel and retreats to his apartment, cheeks burning.


Taehyung spends the next few days avoiding Jungkook, convinced he’s ruined everything. Meanwhile, Jungkook wrestles with his own feelings. There’s something about Taehyung that keeps pulling him in—something chaotic, warm, and utterly irresistible.

One evening, there’s a knock at Taehyung’s door. He opens it to find Jungkook standing there, holding Bam in one arm and looking nervous.

“I think Bam misses you,” Jungkook says, his voice soft.

Taehyung raises an eyebrow. “Bam or you?”

Jungkook grins, and before Taehyung can react, Jungkook leans in, brushing their lips together in a kiss—gentle at first, then deeper as Taehyung responds without hesitation.

When they pull apart, Taehyung’s eyes sparkle mischievously. “So... you like me.”

Jungkook laughs, the tension between them dissolving at last. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

Taehyung pulls him inside. “Come on. Bam wants to watch a movie.”

And just like that, the two neighbors—who started with nothing but a knock on the door—find themselves falling into something they never expected: love, laughter, and a shared life, one knock at a time.


The End.💚💜

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