Shadows of war

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In shadows cast by thunder's roar,
The world was torn, and spirits sore.
A clash of titans, fierce and vast,
As empires fell, the die was cast.

The eagle soared, the swastika flew,
As cities burned, and hope withdrew.
From London's lights to Berlin's stone,
A haunting cry for peace was sown.

In trenches deep, the soldiers fought,
With dreams of home in battles sought.
The skies lit up with fiery trails,
As courage surged through blood-stained gales.

The ocean's depths held tales untold,
Of heroism brave and bold.
From D-Day's dawn to the Pacific tide,
A fight for freedom, a world divided.

Yet in the chaos, hearts united,
A spirit strong that darkness slighted.
For when the guns fell silent, still,
The promise of peace began to fill.

The lessons learned in pain and strife,
Remind us all of the value of life.
In memory's light, we gather near,
To honour those who faced their fear.

AN: Guys I am not saying that the Hindu symbol is bad I am saying that the N*$I is bad I don't know the name of the symbol so I am sorry I hope this doesn't offend anyone.

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