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Chapter 19: Escape

Emily's hack held off the agents, buying time for the team.

"Stairwell C, now!" Phoenix urged.

Micky, Lena, and Emily sprinted down the stairs.

Agent Thompson covered their rear, taking down pursuing agents.

The stairwell door burst open. A helicopter awaited.

"Extraction team," the pilot said.

As they boarded, The Architect's voice boomed from the rooftop. "You'll never stop Echelon!"

Lena turned to Emily. "Did we get the data?"

Emily nodded. "Echelon's plans are on this drive."

Micky's eyes locked onto the drive. "This changes everything."

The helicopter lifted off, leaving The Syndicate's hub behind. Phoenix's voice came through the comms system.

"Safe house: coordinates 41.8781, -87.6298."

The team breathed a temporary sigh of relief.

Phoenix's voice came through the comms system.

"Safe house: coordinates 41.8781, -87.6298."

The team breathed a temporary sigh of relief.

But Micky's thoughts lingered on The Architect's words.

Echelon's initiation sequence continued.

Time was running out.

The helicopter banked hard, evading pursuit.

Lena gazed out the window. "We're clear."

Micky's eyes remained fixed on the drive. "We need to analyze this data."

Emily nodded. "I'll start decrypting."

Agent Thompson handed Micky a satellite phone.

"Phoenix wants an update," he said.

Micky dialed, Phoenix's voice answering immediately.

"Echelon's initiation sequence: 30 minutes remaining," Phoenix warned.

Micky's grip on the phone tightened. "We have the data."

Phoenix's tone turned urgent. "Get to the safe house. We'll mobilize our allies."

The helicopter touched down on a rooftop.

The safe house: an nondescript building.

Inside, a makeshift command center hummed with activity.

Allies from various organizations worked together.

Micky, Lena, and Emily joined the fray.

Emily plugged in the drive.

Data spilled across screens.

Lena's eyes widened. "Echelon's scope is global."

Micky's face set in determination. "We can stop this."

Suddenly, the room's screens flickered.

The Architect's face appeared.

"You may have data," The Architect sneered, "but Echelon will still initiate."

A countdown timer overlaid The Architect's image.

29:59... 29:58... 29:57...

"(To be continued...)"

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