Chapter 9: The Frigid Wastes

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Years ago...

In a fishing village, an adventuring party steps through the village. "We find the Chimera, we slay the Chimera, simple enough." Dohla informs the others.

"So we head to the coast?" Kima asks, making Allura groan to herself as she pressed her fingers to her brow. "For the thousandth time, that is where the creature was. It's obviously moved to the cliffs by now." she retorts.

Kima frowns as she glares up at Allura. "You know what? I am so sick of you second-guessing me." she snaps. Allura just frowns at the warrior. "Maybe if you weren't so shortsighted--" she retorts.

"I'm sorry, shortsighted? Are you mocking my height?" Kima questions, Allura stuck her nose in the air. "I'm mocking your thick skull." she retorts, pressing her knuckles to her hips.

"That's enough, both of you. We're splitting up to look for leads." the sorcerer informs, Dohla smirks as she looks over her shoulder "Why don't you two partner up? You have such a unique rapport." she suggest.

Both just shot side-eye at one another "Wonderful, babysitting again." Allura retorts, Kima walk ahead, giving Allura the finger. "Yeah, yeah. Just keep up, tight-ass."


Night had fallen, green flames ignite the forest as the Chimera reels its head back and leads out a mighty roar.

A bolt of thunder roars behind it as the grunts drew its attention. He notices the two and fired a fireball at Kima and Allura, barely missing them as they quickly move through the forest, hiding behind a tree as they were panting, trying to catch their breath.

Watching as the creature moves through the smoke and flames. Kima pulls and pressed her back at the tree, "Like I said, by the coast." she retorts quietly.

Allura side-eyes her, "You mean by the cliffs near the coast?" she reminds Kima. Kima just rolls her eyes and pulls her weapon close before she darts right out from behind the tree.

"Kima, wait!" Allura calls after her, but the dwarf is charging at the beast. "I got this." she assure, repealing then coming fireball, leaps over the snake head and reels her weapon over head but was taken by surprise, but the second snake head and pins her at the tree.

Kima struggles as the Chimera fires a fireball right at her, but Allura fires an orb that shot right past Kima's cheek and collides with the fireball, creating a flare of light.

"You must certainly do not." Allura retorts, she was taken by surprise as the snake head snuck behind and bites into her shoulder.

She lets out a scream as it threw her from the battle. She impacts and tumbles away.

"Allura!" Kima calls out, but a growl drew her attention as the Chimera lowered itself right next to her. Kima bellows as she leaps right for the beast, only to caught in it's jaws and it drags itself through the trees.

The warrior was pinned at the base of a tree, using her weapon to hold back the beast that was trying to claw at her, "Kima, get down!" Allura cries out and threw another orb right at the beast.

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