Chapter 16

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A/N: You probably won't know what this song is, so I sent a video right after the picture. Thanks guys.

*Sasha's POV*

Me and Connie spent the rest of the afternoon in the bedroom, recalling memories from our past experiences.

We reminded ourselves of our past pranks, most embarrassing parts of life, and epic fails about both me and Connie's teenager life. It was a fun time being all throwback.

But then another memory popped out of my head as I told Connie about it, "Hey, Connie. Since all we did during our childhood was prank and goof around, what was your actual personality?"

"Oh...that takes me back..."


It's unbelievable

This is as good as it gets

It's unbelievable

Don't know what's gonna happen next
It's unbelievable

You haven't seen nothing yet

It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable


"Well, I was really fond of collecting sticky tack and clay. I loved placing it on top of my short hair. But once I took a really long sticky tack and placed it on top of my whole head because I though it was going to refresh my mind, but it didn't and I had to shave almost every part of my head."

"Oh so that how you ran bald!" I cackled.

"I also loved chasing chickens and little Jeans sometimes...probably every Sunday." He cradled back in forth as he mentioned that.

"Wow...I never knew that..." I nodded slowly.

"Then again no one did." He raised both eyebrows, and I just laughed.


When I was a kid I saved up all my dough
so I could buy C-3PO

Put Mentos in my Diet Coke in the backseat of the bus

When I was a kid I ate "Spaghetti Os",

played laser tag and GI Joe's

And if you vowed no girls allowed then

you could join the club


"How about you, Sasha?" He questioned, "What happened during your childhood?"

I began explaining, "Well...I loved toys like dominos and blocks or anything you can knock down...I'm also in love with placing Mentos in my coke so it would explode. And I never allowed any girls inside my room. And I loved gun toys too..."

" were anything but girlish during your childhood!" My hairless loved one exclaimed.

"I also liked eating food cereal, too."

"Well that never changed, has it?" He chuckled

"Yeah...yeah it hasn't..." I chuckled back.


When I was I was a kid I spent my Saturday's

Blowin' on Nintendo games

The newest thing was Lion King and I could feel the love


"And if there's one fact you'd like to know, it's that I loved cooking mama and Mario video games in Nintendo!" I blurted out.

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