Chapter 29

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*Connie's POV*

" guys shouldn't really just fight to the death over me...that's stupid, can we just enjoy instead of beating each other up?" Petra fake laughed, slowly dragging Levi away from Rin as Gou was dragging Rin away from Levi.

"I definitely agree." Gou sarcastically replied.

I rudely asked in the middle of the conversation, "Hey, why are guys visiting anyways?"

"Ah, Denmark's having a party: Nations only. Apparently, Finland accepted Haruka and Makoto, for some strange reason." Sousuke replied.

"Oh that reminds me, I'm the only one in this room invited to that party. Gotta go make sure they're all still sober by the time it turns eight..." Mikasa muttered as she opened the door, left the room, and slammed the door shut.

"Heh, at least Mikasa knows how to close doors. Unlike somebody..." Hange grunted as her eyes pointed at Isabel.

"What? I have my own issues. Yours is having to deal with the mess in your science lab. Then again, she's mastered experimenting so she barely makes a mess anymore...well you get my point!" Isabel retorted.

"Yeah, you can't think of a way to come back at your problem so you're trying to think of one of mine." Hange held her glasses and winked at Isabel, making Rei flinch.

"So you're staying here for the rest of the night? Heh, no problem! We have two guest rooms with two separate beds on each room. And and extra guest room with one bed." Sasha smiled.

"And I have the arrangement for who gets which room. Sousuke and Gou get the first room with two beds near the merchandise storage room, Rei and Nagisa gets the second room with two beds near the pool, and Rin will get the extra guest room with only one bed by the backyard." Petra explained.

"I wanna see the merchandise room! Cmon, Sousuke! I wanna see!" Gou chirped.

"Aii, I'll just wait for you in the room. Call me if you need any help okay?" Sousuke scoffed.

"Okay, Sousuke-Chan!" Gou followed Sousuke until upstairs, where they went separate rooms when Gou went to the merchandise.

"Wait where are the Mikoshiba brothers staying?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, should I lend them my room and sleep on the living room tonight-"

"That's too generous of you, Petra-chan! Let them sleep here in the living room! It's better than an apartment which Seijuro had been moving to plenty of times!" Isabel interrupted.

"yeah...hey, Isabel? Petra? Hange? My mom made a new recipe that could contain those cake squares. It's a dessert surprise for the whole house and I was hoping you could help me make it." Seijuro requested.

"Of course! Me and Levi will help you with the baking materials!" Petra cheered.

"I'll teach you how to use the electronic oven." Hange smiled.

"And I'll help you make Aunt's recipe because I don't know how to!" Isabel shouted.

The girls and Seijuro ran to the kitchen. Levi, Rin, and for some reason Rei followed them to the kitchen.

It was just me, Sasha, Nagisa, and unconscious Momotarou. I would want to join them, but I would probably eat everything up before the baking even starts.

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