Gray x Reader Honeymoon

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~~request by @Jasmine144 ~~
"Finally married huh," Gray said as you laid your head on his shoulder and laced your fingers with his,
"yeah but what are we going to do for the honeymoon I mean we never really put that much thought into it," you said "since your work gave you a month off and I don't have to show up to the guild we can relax at home," Gray said as you felt the car start and you began your way home
"yeah that sounds really nice as long as I'm with you it's good with me," you smiled
"you were beatuiful walking down the isle," he said pulling you onto his lap so your legs drapped over his
"you were really handsome, even when you lost your pants," you giggled recalling how Gray lost his pants as you exchanged your vows
"y-yeah," he blushed clearly embarassed
"Don't be embarrased every one at the wedding were close to the the both of us and knew about your stripping habits and for some people it's a regular thing to see you like that so don't sweat it," you said before kissing his cheek reasuringly
"Is this your stop?" The taxi driver asked through the sliding glass window as he stopped at your house
"yes thank you," you smiled giving him twenty dollars before Gray pulled you out of the car and carried you bridal style up the stone walk way to your house your (f/c) dress brushing Grays legs every step he took and struggled to get the key out of his pants pocket so you slipped your hand into his pocket and took the key and he walked you to the door knob where you unlocked the door the moment you stepped into the house Gray kicked the door closed and pulled you into a passionate kiss and you kissed back with just as much force and your lips moved in sync until the desire for oxygen burned your lungs so you had to pull back "Gray I love you," you smiled as he placed you on your two feet
"how I got your love is mind blowing," Gray said following you into the kitchen
"the day you kicked down the door of my abductors house you were like a half naked night in shining amour and I couldn't help but fall in love with you when you carried me out of that place," you smiled opening the fridge pulling out a container of creamcheese and then you grabbed a spoon and began to eat it
"you're so gross," Gray chuckled grabbing the (f/fl) icecream from the freezer and a spoon and began to eat it
"Says you you're eating icecream in winter," you giggled
"Ice mage remember cold doesnt affect me," he said
"I wonder if being hot would bother you," you winked running up the stairs leaving your cream cheese on the counter and it took Gray a minute to realize what you meant and and when it hit him he choked on the icecream a blush burning his cheeks and he put the icecream on the counter and followed you up the stairs lets just say Gray is not bothered when hot but you were and you were going to be sore tomorrow.

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