Lin koujo x Reader

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"LIN," you smiled seeing his tall figure in the shadows so you ran to him giving him a tight hug resting your head on his chest and stayed like that until a warm substance rubbed your torso and cheek a metallic scent filling the air your eyes went wide as he suddenly collapesed onto you "L-Lin," you said rolling him over to see- thats when you woke up shaking with sobs rattling your rib cage as tears burned your cheeks and you switched on the light beside your bed as you grabbed the (f/c) cell phone and dialled in his number shaking more and more every number you pressed and you lightly put the phone to your ear
"what the hell (y/n) it three o'clock in the morning, wait are you crying what happened?" Lin asked his voice sounded like an angels to you as it was your awekening from your horrible dream
"I h-had a dream t-that you were cut and bleeding I wasn't able to do anything and I thought I was going to lose you and, and-" you spoke rapidly
"(y/n) calm down I'm not dying I just got home from the work trip would you like me to come over?" Lin asked interupting you and you nodded "(y/n) I can not tell what you're doing I need a word response," he said
"y-yes that would be nice," you said
"I'm leaving now I'll be there in ten minutes," he said hanging up and you crawled out of your bed and into the living room waiting silently for a knock on the door but it felt like hours until the door bell finally rang and you quickly swung thke door open to see Lin and you hugged him
"two weeks is a long time for a ghost hunting session, tell Kazuya to pick up the pace," you sighed
"you know it's a difficult job (y/n) so why did you call me over," he asked
"the crazy dream I had where you were bleeding and I couldn't do anything about it and it was awful," you said tears spilling down your cheeks
"well I'm here now and you don't need to worry how 'bout we get some sleep," Lin said walking up to your bedroom
"You'll stay with me tonight right?" You asked as you laid down
"Yes I will," he said taking off his jacket, tie, shirt, shoes, and socks before laying beside you
"good night Lin," you said before flicking the light off and quickly dozed off Lin following you into sleep shortly after.

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